2 envelope follower settings on one wah block?


New Member
Hey all, pretty new to the fractal world here. Wondering if it's possible to have a Wah block with 2 enveloper follower settings on different channels? For example to have one enveloper follower that's "tighter" and one that's "looser" on one block that I can switch between. thanks!
The envelope controller settings are part of the Controllers "block" which has 4 channels. So, you can switch channels of that to get different envelope wah styles, with or without a channel change on the wah block itself.
The envelope controller settings are part of the Controllers "block" which has 4 channels. So, you can switch channels of that to get different envelope wah styles, with or without a channel change on the wah block itself.
so you can't change envelope filter settings within the block, correct? Im trying to have 2 envelope follower control settings within the same block, not two different wah types within the same block.
so you can't change envelope filter settings within the block, correct? Im trying to have 2 envelope follower control settings within the same block, not two different wah types within the same block.
You can have different envelope follower settings in different channels of the Controllers menu/block (the menu with LFOs/ADSRs/etc.).

To get various attack/release times for example, set them at the Envelope page. Keep the wah control modifier's attack & release times (in the menu with the graph/dot) low.
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