1st time Axe FX owner

Ok I got it up and running and downloaded banks a and b to reset back to factory and downloaded 11.0 but I need to know how to put 11.0 in the Axe edit library. I know probably easy for you guys but I am new to this this and about ready to throw it in the trash lol!
Patience dude! The reward is worth it! If you want the best technology, you got to go thru a little pain (and education) to get there.
Make sure you unzip the 11 firmware to a directory - resulting file should be named "axefx11_00.syx"
Start AxeEDit, select Upgrade Firmware from menu, navigate to and select the above name .syx file tehn follow on screen instructions.
The v11.0 firmware file you downloaded is a .zip archive file. Open the downloaded .zip file and copy (extract) the ultra11_00.syx file to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Firmware\Ultra

Connect the two MIDI cables between the Ultra and the MIDI Sport 2x2 (2x2 Out-A -to- Ultra In / Ultra Out -to- 2x2 In-A).
Start Axe-Edit.

Select 'MIDI Settings' from the drop-down menu at the top-left corner of the Axe-edit app.

Select the M-Audio MIDI Sport 2x2 In-A and Out -A and apply settings, click OK (IOW acknowledge you settings - I'm doing this from memory - not at my DAW right now). You should now see the Axe-FX's system ID along the top-left border (if it says 'Not connected' you still have MIDI interface/driver/connection/etc issues to resolve).

Below and to the right of the right of this menu there are two big buttons labeled 'SOURCE' and 'RECALL'. Click 'SOURCE' and then select 'Axe-FX'.

Select 'Profle' from the top-left menu and choose 'Ultra'.

Now select 'Update firmware' from the top-left menu. Having copied the 'ultra11_00.syx' file to the default location you should see this file as an option when choosing the firmware you wish to install. Select this file, then click OK/Apply (again, whatever acknowledgement is presented).

From here simply follow the instructions provided.

This should do the trick. :)
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Thanks! I appreciate the patience you all have shown me. I am catching on. Last night I did get my MIDI working and I was able to go out there and play around on Axe Edit. Even installed a 5150 patch. Really excited about loading up some patches from here. They sound great and saves me a ton of work. I suppose they will have to be put into Axe Edit similar to the firmware upgrade and then assigned to a blank channel or over an existing one.
Glad to hear it! :)

One more edit considering that you have a Standard. The firmware file you downloaded should be named 'standard11_00.zip'. The file this archive contains is named 'axefx11_00.syx'. The directory that you want to copy 'axefx11_00.syx' to is:

C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Firmware\Standard


As far as individual patches you might download Axe-Edit places it's user files in a different location. Within the 'My Documents' or 'Documents' directory (depending on what version of Windows you're running) you'll find a sub-directory named 'Fractal Audio'. The path to the presets directory looks something like this:
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Standard

For my part I created a new sub-directory under the 'Presets' directory named 'Downloads'. Within the 'Downloads' sub-directory I make new sub-directories to categorize the presets I download. For instance - f I download multiple high gain presets from different sources I'll place them in a sub-directory named 'High Gain'. Multiple clean pates are placed in a sub-directory named 'Clean'. If I download a collection of presets from a single source I name the sub-directory for the source as these presets usually follow a specific format and I don't want to have to go digging around for a single preset from that source. For instance - Yek's preset collection is placed in a sub-directory named 'Yek's presets', Scott Peterson's presets are placed in a sub-directory named 'Peterson's presets', etc, etc. Examples:
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Hi gain
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Clean
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Yek's presets
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Peterson's presets

This keeps my downloaded presets organized so that I can find them easily.

There are a couple of ways to load a downloaded preset.

The first, and my preferred method, is to use the Preset Manager. You'll find a button along the upper-left side of the Axe-Edit app labeled 'Preset Mgr'. Clicking this button opens a new widow with two vertical panes visible, each with tabs across the top. Click on the 'Presets' tab above the left pane, then click the 'Source' button in the upper-left corner of within the Presets tab. A dialog window will open allowing you to select a directory. navigate through the directory tree to get to the location where the downloaded preset you want is located. Example:
...Documents\Fractal Audio\Presets\Clean
Once you reach this directory you will see the files contained within in the the dialog window. Double click on any of these files to close the dialog window and populate the Presets tab with the presets within the selected directory. Some presets may show up in a higher preset number slot within the default 'A' bank or possibly in bank 'B' or 'C'. Most or all of the selected presets will simply load up in sequence from the first slot down in the default 'A' bank. From here simply double-click on one of these presets to load it into 'in use' memory (IOW - to load it and use it).

The second is to click the 'Recall' button just below the 'Source' button in the Axe-Edit main window, then select 'Import Preset. A dialog window will open. Navigate through the directory tree to find the downloaded preset you want to load. When you find the preset file you're looking for simply double-click the file name. The dialog window will close and the preset will load.


Whenever you open Axe-Edit with the intention of interacting directly with the Axe-FX remember to click the Source button and select Axe-FX as the source. This will ensure that the app functions with the Axe-FX in 2-way communication (functions and edits are applied directly to the 'in use' memory in the Axe-FX, functions like the tuner receive real-time data from the Axe-FX allowing you to use the Axe-Edit window tuner function to tune your guitar rather than the front panel LCD screen on the Axe-FX unit, edits made and preset changes will refresh the Axe-Edit window to reflect the current condition of the Axe-FX, etc, ect.

Hope this helps! :)
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I note you've been having electrical service outages. Like any other firmware flash process, you don't want to loose power during a Axe-FX firmware update (can render your Axe unusable, albeit repairable by FAS... but that's time + $hipping etc.). I'd wait until power became stable again. Alternatively, Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) are handy for such situations.

Best regards,


Well I got another 5 pin MIDI cable yesterday but storms wiped out our electric until 8:30 this morning so I will be hooking all this up tonight to return my FX back to the original factory presets then upgrading to firmware 11.0 but I have some questions. When I plug the MIDI sport 2x2 in and out and the in and out on the FX and plug the usb up, then open up the Axe edit page and click download will it talk to each other or do I need to do anything else? Are there any gotchas I need to look out for.
Thanks for the tip Vest! We are sunshine here right now. Deaj.... WOW!! Thank you. I understood all of that. Getting a chance to play on Axe Edit last night really helped with what you just explained. I guess we will see how well once I actually try it tonight lol.
to OP - be aware that any preset in this forum that has an upload date PRIOR to ~Jan 15th, 2011 will be corrupt and not work.
This was caused by a technical issue with the forum migration from the Yahoo servers to current location. The problem is NOT correctable, as it was on the Yahoo side.
If you need a specific user preset, contact them and ask them to repost..
Wait.. there's more.
AxeChange patches should be good.. but many have been there since firmware v3.0, and so on. Some will not work.. as they contain Ultra-only blocks; some have volume/pan blocks triggerred by external controllers; some have Effect Send/Return Blocks; some have an effect Send (and NO return) block; some use Global amp; some have User Cabs.

Take all those off the candidate list - but, there's no real way to know which presets those might be until you try them. :(
Enjoy :)
SUCCESS!!!! lol. Thank you all for the help. I still had an issue of finding the zip file after downloading it and moving it into edit so a friend suggested moving it to my desktop an there you go! I had 10.3 and actually installed 10.4 because it was already in edit. My firmware now says 11.0! I can't wait to try out some presets here. Someone had a high gain 800 and a thick plexi I would love to try.
Fantastic! Glad to hear it. :)

Don't be discouraged about the Ultra patches. Unless these patches make use of an Ultra only block critical to the core sound (Synth, Ringmod, etc.) you can modify them to function on the Standard.
Nolly did a Hi gain JCM800 based on Soultrash's 5150 patch and both sound wicked. Soultrash does have the preset to download so I will be doing that as it is FW11 and Nolly used the preset and changed the amp and said that will get you in the ballpark so I am looking forward to doing this.
Ok so I have Soultrash's 5150 patch loaded. Even got it to show the routed file called something like Presets\standard\5150 at the top left where you load up the preset page but I didn't get any further. How do you go from there to actually getting it loaded into preset manager then to the fractal. You all knew I would be back didn't you lol!
I use an EMU XMidi 1x1 with my Ultra and it works fine. Upgrading firmware and Axe-Edit work...

Just thought I'd come back and report that my EMU XMidi 1x1 also worked. I'm using a PC w/XP. I had to update the XMidi driver and change the AxeEdit buffer settings to 128 and 90ms. Before I updated the driver the XMidi would do everything but the firmware upgrade.
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