14.07 Firmware Friday?

Do you think there are people on the forum that read this title, and take the time to open and read through the thread, because they think Cliff posted it, and then get so agitated, that they comment in the thread, so that it stays at the top of the posts, and lures other pathetic losers with no social lives into clicking on it also, so they are not alone in their feeling of grief?
This whole thread has gone from cool to making me very sad. I've had the Axe III for quite some time now and it's gotten incredible improvements. Improvements I didn't pay for. Improvements that I'd be happy to pay for. The constant debate and demand for new features, for free, from a team as educated, capable, and communicative as Fractal should be spending their time is insulting. I'm in the software industry. I understand how customer feedback works. This kind of feedback, which is tantamount to "you're spending your time on things no one cares about," is murderous to team morale and bifurcates a community which I've grown to enjoy. Case in point.

Can we please return to some enjoyable discourse about anticipation of new features and polite requests, giving ample justification and usage scenarios? I'm not even a mod, but damn.
Aww man, don't be sad.
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