100% by-pass patch


As is reacquaint myself with the AxeFX 2, I've been struggling with the tone issue of things when run thru my Marshall JVM effects loop.

What I did was to put a cable in my send/receive of my FX loop of my amp to see how much "coloring" of the tone that created and it very small... almost to a point where I struggled to tell the difference.

When I hooped up my AxeFX, I found the tone of things were terrible.. so I started from scratch.

I created a patch that had nothing in it (other than shunts) from the input to the output. I turned off the Threshold of the noise gate (which people says turns off the Noise Gate altogether. And still, I get this phasey-thinner sounding tone. I would have thought that with the noise gate off and nothing in my signal chain that I would be getting the same tone from things as if I was not running the AxeFX.

My question is: If I wanted to create a patch that would sound exactly like going straight into the amp, what other setting would I look at to tweak.


how exactly did you hoop up the axefx?

what cables, what outputs and inputs, and where was the physical volume knob set?
OK... so I have a little more information on this.

I just noticed that as I turn the LEVEL knob down on the GATE patch (input-gate) option in AxeEdit, this sorta phasey sound goes almost all way, however, in doing so, any effect I later add does not work so it's like this LEVEL option needs to be at least 0 (zero) for the effect to come out of the amp.. but at that point, the tone is being effected.

My set up guitar->input amp->loop send ->axefx imput1 ->axefx output1 ->amp return

I have the output1 knob in front set to noon position.

Ok.. I will take a look at that when I get back home later tonight because I'm not sure how to switch that.

Make sure you turn the loop mix knob on the amp all the way to wet so it behaves like a series loop. Parallel loops rarely work well with digital gear except for delay based effects.
Mr. Fender... bingo... that was it.. I had the mix knob in the middle of wet and dry. Once I put it to 100% wet, all of that extra "noise" and phasey sounds went away and the tone difference between loop and non-loop is almost indistinguishable so I am very happy. There are still some things I need to tweak but I think you sent me on the right path.

thx again for your assistance,

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