
  1. J

    Auto clock switching for Focusrite(Scarlett, maybe others) when S/PDIF clock unavailable.

    Wrote a utility to automate changing the clock on my focusrite Scarlett. I use the focusrite as my main audio interface, so when I power of the axe-fx III, I lose audio until I switch to an internal clock. Hacked together to learn a bit of golang(still have a lot to learn), from a naive...
  2. Entasis

    Turning a stereo FX loop into a serial FX loop

    I wanted to see if it was possible to run two pedals in serial while only using one of the stereo FX loops... it is! The patch allows you to plug one pedal into the left ins and outs and another in the right ins and outs and, while changing scenes, have the left pedal go into the right or the...
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