two guitars

  1. D

    Two guitar players, one FC-12, one RJM MMGT-22

    Can two guitar players playing through the Axe 3 use an FC-12 and GT-22 to concurrently control their own effects? Or at least switch scenes/channels? I just went on the waitlist for FC, but already have the GT-22. Proceeds from a Helix sale are funding this BTW. No issues with the GT-22...
  2. actionjackson12


    Ok...title says it all. How do I set this up on the axe-fx? Is it even possible? I assume it is since there are two outputs. I need the guitar in stereo to utilize panning and the bass down center in mono. FYI I already know how to run two guitars through the axe, one panned L and one panned R.
  3. M

    Two guitars, one Axe-Fx II users, What are the restrictions?

    Hi all! Just a quick rundown, myself and the other guitarist in my band both currently have Axe FX Ultras but think we've done all we can to get the best out of them tone-wise so we want to upgrade to an Axe FX II, however as we don't have the money to both afford one we were thinking of getting...
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