output clipping

  1. M

    Axe Fx II - Output 1 always clipping - HELP!

    Hi all, I have a second hand Axe-Fx II unit that I've had for a while. I only use it for recording at home but I've been having issues that I've been putting up with until now. There are many patches that I download from Axechange or that came pre-loaded on the unit where there is an insane...
  2. Bhargav Sarma

    Wish Limiter (Global or per-patch)

    Pretty much a straight-forward wish. I'd love to have a limiter block as a part of the output. I've used Bias FX before and I've always had to follow it up with a Waves L1 limiter. Such a feature would ensure that the signal does not clip on the mixer. I do not know if the current CPU...
  3. CactusTone

    Unity Gain with Palm Mutes

    I'm trying to tame the dB spike when palm muting without sacrificing the thump. Most currently, I'm playing around with the 7.02 Beta Brit Pre; going for an 80's Maiden-ish tone (Powerslave/Somewhere In Time). As a side note, is it just me or does the 7.02 not sound phenomenal with almost no...
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