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  1. H

    strymon el capistan tape delay

    Thank you. I've just just checked this sound on my Axe-Fx and it sounds impressive. Very close to the El Capistan's Echoplex emulation but my echo of choice is a multihead version (like Space Echo or Copicat). I prefer more ambient sound or simply oldschool "The Shadows style" echo. El Capistan...
  2. H

    strymon el capistan tape delay

    Just bought El Capistan I bought El Capistan delay two weeks ago and I'm more than happy. I'm a delay freak, I had a lot of delays in the past including three tape delays ( famous Roland Chorus Echo among them). I still have some analog and some digital stuff - including Axe-Fx own delays. And...
  3. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    G66 to w?a?nie europejski dystrybutor Fractala (siedzib? maj? we Flensburgu, w Niemczech) i to oni potraktowali mnie tak wspaniale. A mieszkam w Polsce. Tak wi?c panowie - kupujcie u nich bez zastanowienia. Mo?e w Stanach jest troch? taniej, ale nie wiem, czy wtedy obejmie Was taka gwarancja...
  4. H

    Tape Echo and Analog Deluxe Memory Man delays?

    I agree. After one year of tweaking my Axe-Fx I still haven't found a real tape echo simulation. I had the Roland RE-501 and some other old (and cheap)tape echoes in the past, so I know what I'm looking for. Maybe I'll buy a genuine tape echo machine once again...
  5. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Warto poczeka? (nawet d?ugo) i kupi? u europejskiego dystrybutora. Ja tak zrobi?em i nie ?a?uje. Po pierwsze to bardzo mili ludzie i kontakty z nimi to przyjemno??. A po drugie - w przypadku awarii, która mnie si? przydarzy?a - naprawa jest wyjatkowo niek?opotliwa. Firma G66 zamówi?a na swój...
  6. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Trudne pytanie. Zarówno Boogie, jak i Fractal s? znakomite, ale wybór uzale?ni?bym od Twoich rzeczywistych potrzeb. Scena, czy studio? Czy potrzebne jest kilka podstawowych brzmie?, czy lubisz co chwil? zmienia? sound. Je?eli grasz g?ownie na scenie i masz "piec", który kochasz - nie trzeba...
  7. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Od dawna "chodzi" za mn? taki pomys?, aby kto? stworzy? bibliotek? efektów dla Fractala. Ale nie chodzi o ca?kowicie przygotowane brzmienia w sensie ca?ego ?a?cucha od wej?cie do wyj?cia. Chodzi o same efekty - symulacje s?ynnych chorusów, dalayów, compressorów itd. Mog? to by? pojedyncze bloki...
  8. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Rzeczywi?cie nie ma na rynku lepszego multiefektu. Dla mnie problemem jest to, czy co? takiego jak "wszystkomaj?cyiwszystkomog?cy" multiefekt ma w tych czasach w ogóle sens. Je?eli chodzi o symulacje wzmacnieczy i kolumn - nie mam w?tpliwo?ci, Fractal brzmi jak dobrze nag?o?nima lampa (a mo?e i...
  9. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Mo?na si? spotka? i wymieni? do?wiadczenia. Mnie przyda?aby si? tak?e pewna dawka entuzjazmu (mo?e który? z kolegów ma nadmiar?). Po 9 miesi?cach sp?dzonych z moim Fractalem moje odczucia na jego temat s? do?? mieszane, par? razy ju? by?em o krok od sprzeda?y, potem znowu si? lubili?my...i tak...
  10. H

    Fractal w Polsce?

    Witam ! Od sierpnia ubieg?ego roku u?ywam Axe-Fx, ale dawno nie zagl?da?em na to forum i jak wida? przegapi?em pojawienie si? polskiego akcentu. Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich polskich "Fractalowców" :)
  11. H

    Roland/Boss Style Chorus

    I like Boss/Roland choruses very much and I miss them... O.K. I'm just joking;-) I still have my old Boss CE-300 Super Chorus because probably it's not possible to get that sound on Axe-Fx. I know the Axe-Fx is not just another modeller, but I wish it could be from time to time. Most of the...
  12. H

    Help ! I need a downgrade !!!!!

    Thank you so much :P One of the reasons for keeping the Axe-Fx is to be in a community of such friendly people (at this forum). By the way, is it safe for the Axe-FX to make a downgrade from 9 to 7?
  13. H

    Help ! I need a downgrade !!!!!

    Hello, can you help me, please... Some days ago I did an upgrade from firmware 7 to the latest one. This is my first Fractal's upgrade ever. I read warnings that my presets would sound slightly different after this upgrade. But I didn't expected such a difference. Most of the preset sounds have...
  14. H

    Can I have some great reverb, please?

    Thanks for your advice. I think you have recognized the source of the problem. I would keep my old Lexicon, because I don't want to spend more money on buying Ultra. By the way, maybe it is posibble to develop a better sounding reverb algorithm using Axe-FX standard hardware. I'm looking...
  15. H

    Can I have some great reverb, please?

    Thanks for the tip. I will try it out. I have already done it with the delay and it works well. But the quality of the reverb is still an issue. I have or had some other gear with the same problem: old Roland VG-8, Boss GX-700 and Line6 POD. The reverb in all those units is good but nothing...
  16. H

    Can I have some great reverb, please?

    I bought my Axe-Fx std 3 months ago and I'm more than satisfied with it. Amp simulations are the best I've ever heard. But I'm not satisfied with the reverb. No, it isn't bad, it's even good but when you compare its quality to the quality of other Fractal's effects - it isn't the same league. My...
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