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  1. N


    sooooooooooooooo Jocce, what were the settings for that patch?!?!
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    Will a pair of QSC 122i's be enough for a band situation?

    Not through a pa, but in an actual band setting, will these be loud enough to be heard above a drummer?
  3. N

    Can't dial a good sounding higain patch

    thinkpad20 has a great thread on dialing in an awesome high gain patch, try a search by his member name. I honestly have had horrible results in my few weeks wit the axe, dialing in a good sound with the IIc+ and IV models through an amp and cab set up (different story straight through the...
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    Questions about setting up some BM5A'a

    Alright I just pulled the trigger on some BM5a's but have a few questions about set up. I want to be able to use these through my comp while mixing, so would it be best to get an XLR Patch cable? like: So I can run that into a 1/8" jack and right into my comp until I get a recording interface...
  5. N

    Received my Dynaudio BM5a yesterday...

    thanks for the review Tony. I am looking forward to seeing if you to get that OOOOOMPH from them or not. I have my eye on these guys but not sure if I should just stick my cab. Keep us posted!
  6. N

    Hooked up the new Axe-Fx... Trouble Inside

    Thanks for the encouragement claude! I played some more last night and was beyond underwhelmed at most presets. I then started a few fresh patches, and then got some insane results! Sadly I had to head out for other engagements but I think I am just going to have throw out all the presets and...
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    Hooked up the new Axe-Fx... Trouble Inside

    Thats what I am thinking (setup) because I did run a few other amp sims along the way. I will tweak some more when I get home from work :cry:
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    Hooked up the new Axe-Fx... Trouble Inside

    yes, RTFM a few times. But this was just a blank patch with JUST the amp straight across.
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    Hooked up the new Axe-Fx... Trouble Inside

    Ok I spent about an hour last night fumbling around with my new axe-fx. My setup is as follows: Axe-fx -> Carvin DCM150 -> Mesa 2x12 Vertical cab (mark series, mono) I turned it on, and it sounds like I have a blanket over the cab. First I wondered if it was just the amp sim I was running (...
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