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  1. D

    High CPU usage (standard + fw11)

    Must be more CPU-hungry code in the new firmware then, thanks for replying. While I go through and fix my patches, maybe someone could send me the link to where I can download this "Axe-FX II" thing everybody keeps talking about :)
  2. D

    High CPU usage (standard + fw11)

    At least one of my presets now seems too "hot" for the standard after upgrading to fw11. The sound pops, the display can't keep up and the CPU usage shows 98-99%. I did not have this problem before upgrading and I'm wondering if it's a known tradeoff with the latest firmware? The chain is...
  3. D

    JC 120 with redwirez Mix 80,s Clean

    Wow, Marillion and Camel in the same post. I can see this thread quickly turning inte a geeky discussion about Fish's vs. Andy Ward's drinking habits :D Sincere thanks for the presets and the tips, I'll be sure to try them out.
  4. D

    JC 120 with redwirez Mix 80,s Clean

    From memory that sounded extremely close to some of the tones on "Clutching". Nicely done! If you'd care to share any of your steve/marillion presets I'd love to try them out. Do you have anything that is close to a typical Rothery "bluesy" lead sound for example?
  5. D

    If you need a midi interface on the cheap...

    Will it handle large transfers, that is firmware updates and bank uploads, without sync and checksum issues?
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