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  1. J

    Possible to use Midi to switch layouts?

    Thanks for the tip, i found your posts and had a TRS cable sitting around. I noticed on another thread that someone setup something similar to what i wanted with a FS method. I am able to get a switch to flip to scenes and hit it again and it goes back to presets by setting up a switch as a...
  2. J

    Possible to use Midi to switch layouts?

    Is it possible to assign a midi switch to go directly to layout1-Presets and another switch for layout2-Scenes? As a bonus, once in Presets or Scenes layout, could 2 midi switches one to view -1 and view +1 similar to holding down left and right switches when in one of those layouts be done...
  3. J

    Still learning, question on settings.

    I've owned my Ax8 for about 4 years, I gig with it but my gigs all require some drive and clean. I've created all my own patches that work for my gigs. I'm a metal head by nature and lately I've been trying to get a heavy balanced tone for some recordings. I've managed to make some buzzy crap or...
  4. J

    New to Updating, seious question!

    Thanks. I'm not sure how to reset amp blocks, luckily I only have a few amp blocks I use regularly. I will look that up.
  5. J

    New to Updating, seious question!

    I have not updated my fxII since I got it a year ago. It was version 14.something firmware. My big question is can I just update directly to the newest firmware using fractal-bot? I was not sure if I needed to do it in steps since its so old, or if I can just jump to the newest firmware. Thanks.
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