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  1. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    I'll try this later tonight and report back. Thank you for your help with this man.
  2. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    Unfortunately I don't have Axe-Edit on this computer, and I won't be able to use it until I get a different laptop.. So I can't try your patches at this time. I'd like a fuller low-end, but if I turn up bass it tends to get too muddy. Granted, I'm still very new with my Ultra.
  3. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    My patch I've been using is close to what I like, but it's not cutting it. It looks like this: Pedal Compressor Lookahead 0.457 ms Mix 100% T808 OD Drive Drive 0.79 Tone 2.13 Level 9.96 Mix 93.3% Das Metall Boost ON Drive 2.76 Bass 0.38 Mid 2.65 Treb -1.51 (Bright engaged) Presence 6.61...
  4. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    For me personally that was quite muddy and fizzy. I tend to favor high-mids over low-mids as well. It may help to know that I'm using a Jackson DXMG- basswood body, EMG HZs (awful pups, but what I have to work with)
  5. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    Alright, thank you. And I'm essentially just trying to make sure I'm arranging my patch the way it should be arranged for my set-up. I haven't quite been getting what I've wanted out of my rhythm patch, and I gather that this could be why.
  6. PeachesMcKenzie

    Ultra + Matrix Patch Help

    Alright- a bit of a noob question here, but I need to get some clarification to double-check things with my patches. I'm running my Ultra through a Matrix GT1000FX poweramp (it emulates valves, but lacks any) and in to an Orange PPC410 cabinet. What exactly needs to be on/off? - Should I...
  7. PeachesMcKenzie

    Help with a Rhythm Patch

    No one has any idea?
  8. PeachesMcKenzie

    Help with a Rhythm Patch

    So guys- I've had my Ultra for a few weeks now, and I'm running into some real difficulty in getting a rhythm patch that I like. I'm trying to get a tone similar if not identical to the first portion of this clip: Nolly Black Hawk 7 Alnico Ceramic Reamp by Shaun O on SoundCloud - Create, record...
  9. PeachesMcKenzie

    I'm dumb as a box of rocks!!

    Hey man, try checking out this video and the following videos in the series. It will clear up navigating menus, making patches, parameters, etc. It was a huge help for me.
  10. PeachesMcKenzie

    How much Rock is there in the 5150?

    Sounds great regardless man, good playing, good feel.
  11. PeachesMcKenzie

    How much Rock is there in the 5150?

    Were you responsible for these vocals as well? Whoever did them gets some serious kudos.
  12. PeachesMcKenzie

    Introduction thread

    I saw that thread. :D And yeah, 1994. I'm pottytrained.
  13. PeachesMcKenzie

    Introduction thread

    Hey guys, my name's Ricky, I'm 17, and I just bought my Ultra a couple weeks ago. This is easily one of the most (if not THE most) helpful forums, and I'm happy to be joining its ranks. :) You might recognize me from, as I post there often as well. My current (and growing)...
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