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  1. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    Coming from a Moderator you'd have to be kidding right. I can't say I know you and Scott personally but from my chair you may want to take a few pointers from Scott as you're looking less than helpful on any level. Add to that you haven't helped the profle of Modeller users. I now have...
  2. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    I've never put the AXE down. What I said was it wasn't ready for me. Amplifier design and I haven't put enough effort in? A grand statement from someone ignorant of who I am and the (enormous) hours I've clocked on the unit in the time I've had it. From what I think you're indirectly...
  3. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    Thank you for your replies. At this stage the AXE FX is not ready for me so back to actual amps and my Eventide H8000 for live playing. It was a journey that had to be travelled and my curiosity has now been satisfied and I continue the wait for a device that can replace my live amps...
  4. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    There's always one isn't there. (LOL) Using these actual amps (see my post) I can't get the same pick attack. Do you play/own these amps and if so what's your approach or secret to get the AXE to...
  5. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    Hello Scott - are you 100% certain the gate is "entirely removed" from the chain? My request is about getting the transient attack faster/harder to be more like a real amp when playing live with a band. Immediate Dynamic Response is everything to me and I believe this is what seperates...
  6. M

    80s style Rock Instrumental, Strat & Axe Cornford sim

    A fantastic effort. (You're playing I'm talking about) Thank you and please keep recording as you have something to say.
  7. M

    REMOVE The Noise gate

    REMOVE THE NOISE GATE ASAP I'd like to be ale to remove the noise gate from the entire chain at will. I have a suspicion that even though you turn the Threshold to zero it's still in circuit and could account for the transient attack not being 100% immediate. (????) The transient pic...
  8. M

    A Common Axe-FX complaint:

    I'm a AXE FX Ultra into a VHT 2150 tube power amp then off to a 2 x 12 Scumback (J75 & M75) cab guy. (Sometimes I use the effects return on some of the amps I mention below) For me I can certainly thicken up the sound as you've all mentioned EASILY. For me thick also means complex...
  9. M

    Added an "Amp Mode" to my foot controller

    I spoke with Fret today and he's a cool guy who knows what he's doing. The potential of his project answers the call for an AXE FX Mk11 from many of us who want to turn the physical knobs in real time. A fantastic idea that makes it a much greater live tool. I can't wait until he has...
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