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  1. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    I just ran that by the new wife... She was against the idea.. ;)
  2. R

    02/2011 Patches - Fender/Marshall/Vox/Marsha/Bogner

    Picked up the Big Box last night... Looking forward to giving these a run tonight..
  3. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    You would be correct on the latter... Wifes gone, bedspreads gone and the walls are no longer god forsaken pink!
  4. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    What? For free? :razz Just kidding.. I'm not going to pretend I've done more than scratched the surface with her.
  5. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    Lets see.... Power conditioner, a couple G-Majors, an old 4 track recorder I got back in the early 90's, and yes.... it is a vamp..... :oops
  6. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    Lol, the bedspread went with the wife. Or should I say ex-wife. Yes, it's a karma.
  7. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    They're not always in the bedroom... ;)
  8. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    Will do! :mrgreen And thanks about the gear... Unfortunately I have more gear than talent.. :lol
  9. R

    Ultra arrived today.. How could I be so stupid to spend so much money...

    ..... on all the gear I've bought throughout the years... and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! ------------------------------ The versatility of this thing is amazing. I've been through just about all of the modeling gear, pod, xt , x3, hd500, GSP1101, Boss..etc... and some would be decent but...
  10. R

    Axe Fx Arrives Today!!!

    Congrats!!! Mine is getting here today also... Its going to be a long day at work...
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