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  1. R

    Received new Ultra ....seems almost surreal

    +1 to this! I tweaked so much last night and I really realized how versatile the Ultra is... I also learned the power of the Master Volume control, and how it can completely alter a tone! Lovin' it!
  2. R

    New fat 7-string metal tone

    Really appreciate the kind words of advice! Thanks Nolly!
  3. R

    New fat 7-string metal tone

    Do you suggest the stock IR's or are you using 3rd party such as Redwirez if you don't mind me asking! I'm not really trying to copy, it just sounds very, very heavy and organic.
  4. R

    New fat 7-string metal tone

    That's really, really heavy man... any advice on how to achieve something similar?
  5. R

    Critique My Tone!

    Thank you for the kind words! Would you guys recommend a hi-cut on the guitars to reduce some of the harshness? Perhaps I am overproducing them! For the bass I was also thinking about blocking some frequencies but I wasn't entirely sure, the same goes with the vocals. Which needless...
  6. R

    Critique My Tone!

    Panned the vocals and doubled them (17%). I think it definitely beefed them up a bit! Thanks for that tip! The only thing I cut from the guitars on the updated mix was a bit of the low end (up to 200k) to make room for the for the bass... didn't cut any hi's whatsoever. Any advice for this...
  7. R

    Critique My Tone!

    Hey guys! I just completed a new mix... definitely an improvement with all of your suggestions! Please let me know what you think of it, and as always throw any criticism you have at me, I am really satisfied with the instrumentals (Probably my best instrumental work to date in production) but I...
  8. R

    Critique My Tone!

    I recorded mono - double tracked and panned hard left and right. Thanks for the great compliments and critiques guys! I am a serious newbie when it comes to vocal production especially... maybe my ear for this band is just worn out; I'm really trying to get it to sound commerical and make a...
  9. R

    Critique My Tone! Try that! Sorry about that broken link!
  10. R

    Critique My Tone!

    Hey guys! Been reading a lot on these forums lately as I just got my Axe FX 2 weeks ago, but this will be my first post here! I am an amateur producer out of Long Island, New York. This is one of my first full recordings with the Axe FX Ultra, and it is of a local pop punk band. I am most...
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