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  1. J

    Auralex Gramma Pad?

    Yeah, I guess it could be the room. I'm just concerned about the cab's coupling with the ground. When it is laying horizontal it is extra bassy and when it is up vertical (and not so stable...) a lot of bass goes away. For stability's sake, I lay it horizontal and dial in my tones and it they...
  2. J

    Auralex Gramma Pad?

    Hey guys I'm a bit troubled with my Axe FX Ultra rig in that the tones vary too much from my home where I program it to the various stages/pubs/churches I play. The most notable problem is the low end being either too overwhelming or completely underwhelming (which seems to be quiet common)...
  3. J

    Mission SP1R with Spring Load

    I have an extra expression pedal that I use for volume/fx levels, but I would like to use this Mission Pedal to be able to switch between wah and other functions such FX rates, levels or mix. I have my patches setup as pedalboards, so while one pedal controls delay level, i'd like to be able...
  4. J

    Mission SP1R with Spring Load

    Hey guys I purchased a Mission SP1R with spring load. I wanted to try the auto engage feature on the axe so I was looking forward to the spring loading. Turns out I'm not that into the spring loading/auto engage, I feel it limits some of the uses I had in mind for an expression pedal (I...
  5. J

    Adding parallel rows in the grid increases volume?

    Thanks for the info, I usually do set my parallel delay to 100% and adjust with the Delay Input Gain. Not sure about the bypass mode though, I'll have to check when I get home. As far as the spillover, I'll have to experiment with your suggestions. I have different patches with different...
  6. J

    Adding parallel rows in the grid increases volume?

    Hey guys I like to set my delays in a parallel row to my amp sim in some of my patches. However, I'm finding that adding a row increases the volume of the patch. Is there a way around this? Also, with spill over on, some delay patches' spill over is really loud! Like if I switch over...
  7. J

    Front Panel Input Level - Possibly too hot?

    thanks for the info yek. i think i might also need a more neutral space to audition sounds because it seems that my bedroom makes everything sound extra bassy. I'll keep digging. Despite these bumps, I'm learning a whole lot. The capabilities of this box are pretty amazing!
  8. J

    Front Panel Input Level - Possibly too hot?

    I did use the same exact setup at home that I used at the gig. It was a rather drastic difference, and I even had the cab laying horizontal at the gig as opposed to vertical at home, which usually gives me more bass. However, now that I think about it, I usually audition my sounds pretty...
  9. J

    Front Panel Input Level - Possibly too hot?

    Hey guys! Reporting back with my experiments. I got some pretty killer tones at home and I'm figuring out this whole bass thing. Well, actually, I thought I was figuring it out. I felt pretty confident to take my Axe setup to a gig on Sunday morning and all my sounds were super thin and...
  10. J

    Front Panel Input Level - Possibly too hot?

    I did consider pickup height, but my guitars sound fine through my other gear. I'll consider it a last resort. I'll keep experimenting with your tips Yek, although those are all things I've been tweaking I've never tried more extreme settings because of some kind of mental block that tells me...
  11. J

    Front Panel Input Level - Possibly too hot?

    Hey guys! So I've had my Axe Ultra for about a year. I've taken it out to a few gigs but it's mostly been a home/studio thing. I want to start taking it out more often, but I'm having some issues with putting my sounds together. I have the front panel input level set to about 3 o clock...
  12. J

    Ideas for using expression pedals...

    Thanks man! I wasn't even aware there was a whole section in the AxeWiki with this info. That wiki is killer. I'll keep experimenting! Thanks again jg
  13. J

    Ideas for using expression pedals...

    Hey guys! I have a few questions in regards to how to use an expression pedal. I'm just starting to dig into this aspect of the Axe FX so bear with me! I was looking at getting a Mission Engineering SP1 without the spring load option, as I wasn't that curious about the auto engage...
  14. J

    getting to the root of a ground loop problem...

    Thanks guys! I will try removing all the washers and see what happens. Everything is plugged into a Furman power conditioner which goes into a single outlet, so hopefully grounding each device to each other will help. I was also meaning to try each unit with the ground lifting plug on each...
  15. J

    getting to the root of a ground loop problem...

    I've just started using my Boss RC50 with my AxeFx. Everything works and sounds great except for this ground loop hum I'm getting. I know I could get an Ebtech this or that (which I just might end up doing) but what could the root of this problem be?? No noise until I plug my RC50 into the FX...
  16. J

    Boomerang III Phrase Looper Setup with AxeFx Ultra?

    I'm doing something similar with my Boss RC50 Loop Station. All my effects are on the second row of the layout. I place the Effects Loop at the end of the first row, right after my last effect. My second row of effects continues to the output and the first row with the Loop continues to the...
  17. J

    Do I need a mixer??

    I'm thinking of putting the FX loop after the FX and amp sims so that I can record something with one patch and then switch patches so I can play something over the loop with a different sound. If I put the FX loop before the amp sims/FX, then the sound of the recorded loops will change when I...
  18. J

    Do I need a mixer??

    Great! Thanks. I'll try it out asap and report back.
  19. J

    Do I need a mixer??

    Thanks for the advice! I think I understand how to do this. However, I'm hoping to use both channels for stereo effects. So one channel will be my main sound and the other will be for RC50 loops and both for occasional stereo effects. Do I follow the same procedure? thanks again, you guys...
  20. J

    Do I need a mixer??

    Well, I wasn't saying that putting the RC50 in any loop would color any tone. What I was referring to was that I don't want to plug the main out of the Axe straight to the RC50 and then out from the RC50 straight to my power amp because I don't like what the RC50 does to color what goes into it...
  21. J

    Do I need a mixer??

  22. J

    Do I need a mixer??

    Hey guys, I've owned the Axe for a while but I've been busy with school and work and haven't had much serious tweak/gig time with it. Anyway, my setup consists of the Axe Ultra feeding a power amp into two cabs. In between the Axe and the amp is a mixer. The Axe goes into a channel and...
  23. J

    Flying with the axe...

    Thanks for the advice guys! I think I'm going to try the Gator 2U bag and see how it goes. Thanks again! jg
  24. J

    Flying with the axe...

    Hey guys! any experiences flying with the axe fx?? I have some fly dates coming up and want to keep my rig as small as possible, so i will be using my axe direct to FOH at the gig. do you guys use a rack bag to carry it on board? I need something quick, light, and relatively inexpensive...
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