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  • Users: jak83
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  1. jak83

    Noob question pt2: tuners and muting

    Press the tuner button, page over to the config tab, and turn mute on. Like that?
  2. jak83

    Main Control Knob Wierdness

    This may be the most useful thread I've read in days. I bought my Ultra used (and fairly cheap) from a forumite with this exact problem, and figured worst case scenario I would just talk to Fractal and install a new wheel. It's been fairly annoying. Why I never thought to see if there was a...
  3. jak83

    Justin Chancellor (TOOL) Bass Preset

    My bass rig has been in storage for the last few years, but I'm a bassist at heart. Getting the Ultra let me get back into the swing of things, though I'm still pretty rusty. Anyway, here's my first patch contribution, I'm about two weeks into owning the Ultra. I made this preset by modeling...
  4. jak83

    Axe Ultra - Feel?

    The type of amp that you have assigned in the amp block will affect volume rollback as well. A high gain model in the Axe isn't going to clean up any more than it's real world counterpart is.
  5. jak83

    Trading up

    Both models sell phenomenally well on the used market. I've seen Ultras sell within an hour of being posted.
  6. jak83

    PreSonus Firebox Help Requested

    I went and picked up a digital audio cable today check out S/PDIF recording and got it working a lot easier than I expected to. My ears can't tell much of a difference, if any, between the digital or analog outputs, but I'm still on computer speakers until UPS runs tomorrow. I'll try to give...
  7. jak83

    PreSonus Firebox Help Requested

    Thanks for the help, Chief. I'm using XP, but I went into my sound card settings to look for an equivalent and set everything to be S/PDIF I/O. I was able to finally get Axe edit to recognize my Ultra and update the firmware successfully. That's not all I want to be able to do, of course, but...
  8. jak83

    PreSonus Firebox Help Requested

    I have 2 5-pin cables. The S/PDIF I/O on the Firebox, as I understand it, should work for MIDI since it uses one of these breakout cables.
  9. jak83

    PreSonus Firebox Help Requested

    I've searched the forum, and while I've found related topics, none of what I have tried actually works. The manual has been less than helpful. I just received my Ultra about an hour ago (thanks NLS21), and I'm trying to update the firmware to 10.01. I have Axe-Edit installed, the firmware...
  10. jak83

    My New Ultra is Here, My New Ultra is Here...I'm Somebody!

    Re: My New Ultra is Here, My New Ultra is Here...I'm Somebod Lucky... I've been waiting all morning for my Ultra to arrive.
  11. jak83

    I've broken the TGP addiction.

    There's a lot of Axe hate at HC, but there's a small pocket of love (relatively speaking) on the Amp forum. HCFX is out for obvious reasons. HC in general is like 4chan with better grammar (usually) and less child porn. For me it's a toss up between that and the pissing contents and arrogance...
  12. jak83

    i need to hear it to believe it...

    I'm in the same boat as you, tcvans. I've tried every modeler I can get my hands on and been completely and utterly underwhelmed, and more importantly, uninspired. The fact that I can't find any negative reviews and that the used market is pretty much non-existent for the AxeFX speaks well of...
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