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  1. J

    Van Halen "BEAT IT" solo

    Personally, I think that solo is all in the fingers. I say that because I have a number of recordings of my band doing it over the last couple of years and it somehow always sounds exactly the same even though I've used a number of different amps and, more recently, the AxeFx to do it.
  2. J

    My MFC problems are fixed; here's what worked for me

    As others have said, it worked great using the PC before. The update to 10.01 went flawlessly and AxeEdit still works fine. Weird.
  3. J

    My MFC problems are fixed; here's what worked for me

    I figure the more people document their experience, the easier it will be for the next guy. I really appreciate everyone else's posts as they helped me out a lot. I was having the symptoms that several other reported of no tuner access, no names showing up on the mfc screen, etc, and was...
  4. J

    Can't seem to get my MFC working, can anyone help?

    Doh. Didn't realize there was a dedicated section. Thanks!!!
  5. J

    Can't seem to get my MFC working, can anyone help?

    I'll just give you the play by play, for ease of reading; 1. plugged it in to the AxeFx using a Rocktron 7-pin known-good MIDI cable 2. it does switch presets and all the menu access at the MFC works 3. got a midi in 'pulse' every two seconds or so at the AxeFx that briefly drops the ouput...
  6. J

    Has anyone been able to "add to cart" this week?

    Just wondering if I missed the window of opportunity or if there just haven't been any made available this week. I've been checking every half hour or so for a couple of days. I know, crazy.
  7. J


    With all respect Cliff, if you had just said this any time in the last six months, there wouldn't be any complaints from anyone now.
  8. J

    Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

    That was it! I set all of the buttons to PEDL > OFF and the problem has not recurred. Thanks again!
  9. J

    Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

    Excellent! I didn't think of the pedal, but that has got to be it. It would explain why it always seems to do it when I go to either 12 or 13, but not 10 or 11. I can't thank you enough for your help. I'll take a look at it tonight and report back tomorrow. If that's not it, I guess I'm...
  10. J

    Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

    Well, if I'm grasping the concept, the Midimate should not need to send a CC#0, since it only has those 5 IA buttons and they are assigned to controls 5 through 9. It must be a quirk somewhere, but since the Midimate manual doesn't really get in depth about the midi commands, I'm not sure how...
  11. J

    Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

    Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the link. I guess I need to find a chart of exactly what the Midimate sends for each button press so I can nail down where the bank change message comes from. I'm confused on the difference between the CC#0 and the CC#32. How would the command look to get...
  12. J

    Can anyone explain this strange behavior?

    I just switched over to using my Midimate in controller mode, whereby the bottom row selects presets and the top row is for IA switches. My sounds are on presets 10 through 15. Every now and then, when I change presets, it selects a patch between 265 and 270. So, I hit 12 and I get 267. I...
  13. J

    How do I change cabinet types using the front panel?

    Ok, now I feel really dumb. Thanks for the speedy response! I really appreciate it.
  14. J

    How do I change cabinet types using the front panel?

    Sorry for the noob question, but nothing I've tried seems to allow me to highlight the cabinet type when editing the cab. I couldn't find anything in the manual or by searching the forum. Thanks in advance.
  15. J

    My Ultra froze up overnight. Anybody Else? Is it me?

    Thanks guys. I did save what I was doing and I must say, what I was doing sounded very very good. I looove me some Marsha.
  16. J

    My Ultra froze up overnight. Anybody Else? Is it me?

    I was editing yesterday using both axe-edit and the front panel. Everything was working great. I left it in the layout screen of a patch. Went down this morning to see how my edits sounded with fresh ears and I had no sound. Hit the recall button; no response. Nav buttons; no response...
  17. J

    Is there anything better????

    I think the Digidesign Eleven Rack or the Rocktron Prophesy would certainly be better than anything you'll get out of Line6, Digitech, or a PC based sim. But nothing is in the same league with the Axe Fx.
  18. J

    MFC 101 update ?

    This morning I sent an email to get on the waiting list and received a reply that said "First batch is due end of June". BTW, this is my first post. I've had my Ultra for about a month and I really appreciate all of the information that everyone has contributed to this forum. It has really...
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