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  1. Acidalia

    Shakra band guitar sound

    Wow!!! unix-guy you hit the nail on the head, I don't know how it hadn't crossed my mind, I've tried the Cab block preamps and indeed, I've come very close to the sound, I just need to tune it with EQ. I have also played with proximity and smoothing and of course room air to get the sound. I...
  2. Acidalia

    Shakra band guitar sound

    It is true that the ENGL Savage is one of the amps they use, another one they also used is the Fryette, with which I was testing and they are currently using marshall JVM, which I think is the closest one. I'll try the ENGL Savage again and change the tubes as you indicate, I'll let you...
  3. Acidalia

    Shakra band guitar sound

    Wow, that hadn't occurred to me, I'll try it, thanks.
  4. Acidalia

    Shakra band guitar sound

    True, they have a very specific sound. Yesterday I was experimenting and I think it's not a matter of amplifier, cabinet or microphone, but of production. I tried EQing with Neve and SSL EQ plugins and voila!!!!, I didn't get the exact sound, but I got very close. It seems that the trick is...
  5. Acidalia

    Shakra band guitar sound

    Hello everyone, I've been trying for some time to create a preset that sounds like the guitars of the band Shakra, a very good Swiss hard rock band, but with an amazing guitar production. In the booklet of the albums they say they use Marshall and Fryette amps, in the live shows the two...
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