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  1. J

    What is the typical Fractal user like? ;)

    1) How many years do you play guitar? 27 years with some breaks in the middle. I started playing in 1986 (in jr high), played all the time for about 12 years and then got kinda burned out on music for a while (mostly because of overly intense classical piano lessons and a band experience that...
  2. J

    Beginner fast track for shredding?

    I'm in a similar situation, when it comes to guitar theory. I took many years of classical piano, and some theory, up through college but I never applied it to guitar. Guitar was my "fun" instrument and I just wanted to rock, not think! Unfortunately now I'm a perfect example of what can happen...
  3. J

    How do you get yourself to stop tweaking sounds and just play?

    Thanks all, it's interesting to hear other peoples' experiences with it! I actually do enjoy just messing around with all of the options, I just don't want it to be all I do when I have some time to play. I used to be a lot more serious about music, years of lessons, played out in a band for...
  4. J

    Axe II "E" hum from unit - normal?

    My fan is a high E too. It's a little distracting when trying to tune sometimes... I've been afraid to try a quieter one though, don't want to void the warranty.
  5. J

    How do you get yourself to stop tweaking sounds and just play?

    Hah, thanks, I guess this is a common problem. I find the stock presets surprisingly good too (especially those first 40) and at first I'd just play with one of them for a long time. But once I started to branch out I couldn't stop :) I guess it'll just take more discipline... I am at least...
  6. J

    How do you get yourself to stop tweaking sounds and just play?

    Ok, I'm a bedroom guitarist (except for an occasional jam with friends), and even though I've been playing for a very long time and really enjoy it, I know I'm just not that great at it :| Since I really can't justify big and/or loud amps I've been into modeling for a while. But I've always...
  7. J

    Any good desktop racks for an axe fx?

    Nice! The tolex racks look great!
  8. J

    Any good desktop racks for an axe fx?

    Hey everyone, I'm pretty much just a solo bedroom player these days, and I'm looking for advice on racks or enclosures. I don't need anything super road-worthy, just something to keep it a little protected and maybe muffle the fan a bit. I figure my axe fx will mainly live on my desk, and I...
  9. J

    Doesnt sound like I thought

    I don't have a lot to add - but I was recently in the same situation. I'm coming from pod hd500 (and an x3 before that, and a 2.0 before that 8) ) and I'm just getting started with the axe fx. For me, a lot of the presets did sound too bassy and almost muffled, but I'm gradually learning how to...
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