ZenRigs Man
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  • Do you make or can you make a little rectangle magnetic box that can go over the output knobs on an fm9 looking for something to protect the output knobs from being kicked because that volume can jump extremely quick, and with it being on the floor it could get kicked and the volume would spike and get Extremely Loud
    Sukh, are kicktags available, and do you think you can get them from UK for a gig next Saturday?
    ZenRigs Man
    ZenRigs Man
    Hey mate - nope, all sold out at the moment - should have new stock available in 2-3 weeks, as I'm going to start prepping the next batch shortly. Cheers!
    thanks, I'll wait until then
    Absolutely! It's great to see open communication like this. Once I finally order my axe and spend some time researching your tag product, I'll definitely be ordering from you even with the reported problems, because of this. Thanks!!
    Brother Mario! Nie to hear from you man. How are you getting on with the axe fx? I tell you , i have no desire whatsoever for any other gear now - its a very very cool piece of kit! Hope you're digging it mate.

    Thanks for the comments on the venture! Been working on it a long time and very fortunate that other people are really liking what we're doing.

    Good news is that we are working on the GCP RIGHT NOW! Literally - I have one sitting here on my desk as I'm typing this!

    I'll drop u a note when we have something to show - I'd love to get your feedback.

    Anyway, stay in touch mate - nice to hear from you!
    Hey Sukh, yup it's me. Nice to see you and your latest venture on here man, very cool! I recently bought an Axe-Fx too and was trying to find a way to label my GCP :)
    pedalboardlabels.com - Kick-ass labels for Kick-ass pedalboards!

    Check out our 'KickTags' - the worlds first two-part magnetic labelling system for pedalboards!
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