Recent content by TheAmpFactory

  1. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Hey Guys.. - sorry Ive not been around recently, but workload (For other projects) has taken every ounce of my time. Just to update you on a few things. In the background we are re-doing our websites (super cool and fresh) - so it makes browsing, playing samples and everything general so much...
  2. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Your welcome, there is a few more Platinum Free upgrades coming soon too..- I wont list what they are, as it will be a nice supprise when they do get here :) I'll update you soon as they are ready!,.
  3. TheAmpFactory

    Recommendations for Brad Paisley cab tones

    Ive recorded Brad several times, he prefers the gold than the blue, but does like a small percentage of that in too. - You may want to reduce the gold flubb though at 200K just how he likes it with a good tele. Prefers FET mics, but a good R121 will do too. as long as its not close in proximity...
  4. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Heya, soon as my web guy is back on his feet. (accident recovery) - not too long though!. (i hope)
  5. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Actually there is, for some reason your not seeing it though.. - However not to worry.. - we are about to change the entire sites over to a new streamlined design!. this look and feel is too old now. Glad you got it sorted.- now Enjoy!
  6. TheAmpFactory

    Spooky Discounts... TAF/CAB

  7. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Hey Guys. been a while Ive been on here due to In house studio sessions and was unable to come up for air much... looks like lots of things have changed. the forum being one of them!.. - feels all posh in here! anyway!. So happy your still all enjoying. - The variety of presets are Hugh, but...
  8. TheAmpFactory

    customshop 66 tele and plexi50w and T.A.F IRs. - short clip

    Thats great!. - Tele & Marshall are very often underrated. - I do it all the time!! (Im dirty like that) Clip sounded great, sadly it was too short! as I now want more..
  9. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Hi Piing, the 2 sites are different from each other, they do not share user information at this time, so you will also need to signup on thecabfactory, I'm hoping this is the problem your getting, as that's an easy one to sort : ) Let me know, or email me if you have any more problems, Im here...
  10. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Heya - the site is all up, but.. maybe try again? or try a different browser for now. (not ideal) but everyones computers seem to be vastly different!.
  11. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    I trust you guys enjoyed all the good free IR's in the last update.. Want some more? Then I shall Bring it!
  12. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Yeah sure, that's dooable of course. but is out of our devcosts currently, however it is planned for later, where we plan on a better integration of all 3 sites we have, as one database!. were things will be automated a lot nicer/cleaner/simpler/safer etc.. But for now this is what we have to...
  13. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Well the passkey is the same for all Plat users. - so it cant be changed. - let your browser remember the passwords for you. then you can hop in and out anytime you want.
  14. TheAmpFactory

    BigBox librarys OUT NOW!

    Yeah sorry for this, we are clamping down on security on the site, so we are learning this as we go. - recently we have been under threat from hackers, so we need to keep those guys out! - installing firewalls on top of firewalls is tricky!.. (not for me Im not the one doing it lol) But...
  15. TheAmpFactory

    Your preferred DAW

    ProTools HD System here. - Its the only DAW i'll use for tracking/Mixing. - If I'm doing anything complex/arrangements then I'll use Cubase as it has a better Midi system. For the record, all DAWS are the same in terms of sound, its simply what you like as a interface. they all do the same...
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