Recent content by thadood

  1. T

    Thinking of getting a Standard to replace my 11R

    Hah, I believe I bought my B-Stock Axe-FX at the same time as the other two. Not a single scratch! The only thing I could think of is the plastic plate covering the screen has some wiggle. That's it! I love my Axe-FX so much. If you love your 11, you'll love the Axe-FX even more. It can be as...
  2. T

    AXE live at Oprah that Wednesday

    Thank you, sir =)
  3. T

    How to...

    You could also send out to the loop right before the cab sim and then use a plugin in the DAW to run a cab impulse. Best of both worlds!
  4. T

    Axe FX bass users?

    I LOVE my bass through it. Well, let me rephrase. I love one of my basses through it. I have an old Ibanez ATK-305 that sounds absolutely breath-taking. I'm currently playing bass in a punk cover band, so my tone is aggressive: Very metallic/clanky with some slight dirt on it. Very bright, but...
  5. T

    9.02 Amp Model Poll

    Have you tried screwing with the damping and sag? I find myself playing with these controls less with 9.02 - maybe I just like the response of the models for high gain now.
  6. T

    9.02 Amp Model Poll

  7. T

    9.02 Amp Model Poll

    I just upgraded to 9.02 yesterday, and waited until today to give a verdict. The cleans? They're a great change, especially when it comes to on-the-verge of breakup or slight grit. The high end articulation is extremely realistic and killer. The high gain.. wow. I find it SUPER easy to dial in...
  8. T

    Ultra Version 9.01 Firmware Available

    Twiddling thumbs for Standard release =)
  9. T

    Power Tube Swapping

    Changing the parameters is only a small bit of it. Different tubes do indeed have a different EQ curve and signal shaping characteristics. I can attest to a KT77 having more extended lows and a smoother mid section, as if a 6L6 and a EL34 made sweet love, or that a KT88 has a super flat, neutral...
  10. T

    Aggressive tones...watcha got

    It wouldn't be the same if you DIDN'T take the lord's name in vain.
  11. T

    Amp sim requests

    Krank are hit or miss. The models they give to their endorsers are pretty great sounding, but the models they sold for retail.. were crap. At least until recently. I believe a year or two ago, when they made the switch to using KT88 power section, they also beefed up the transformers. They're...
  12. T

    Amp sim requests

    More bass amps would be a nice touch. More everything would be a nice touch! I'm definitely feeling the Savage 120 suggestion. I'd still love to see a VHT/Fryette UL, too. But if no one has schematics and an amp to lend to Cliff, I suppose it won't happen.
  13. T

    v9.0: Setting 5150 high gain preset tips?

    My favorite part about 9.0? Ditching PEQ/GEQ blocks =) I haven't even messed with the 5150 model yet! I can't tear myself away from the new recto. I'll probably put all the presets back on and just start new again.
  14. T

    Bulb and Mark return with yet another new Haunted Shores son

    Did ya record this with 9.00? Either way, killer! You always have top notch chops, production, and mixing skills!
  15. T

    JBL LSR6328P

    Has anyone gotten a chance to play with JBL's LSR6328P's? They're freaking amazing. They blow the $4.3k/ea Genelecs we have at our school studio out of the water for 1/4th the price! They're the only monitors that the MET Alliance ( ) currently gives the thumbs-up to.
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