ETA for next FW

I think they are separate development teams
Might be, but the "Dyna Cab" FW updates came out for the FM3 and FM9 on the same day... I think this pretty much sums up all the endless where are the updates posts:


Might be, but the "Dyna Cab" FW updates came out for the FM3 and FM9 on the same day... I think this pretty much sums up all the endless where are the updates posts:



I'm curious...what problem does gapless switching solve on the FM3? In order to have spillover for gapless presets to actually sound gapless, an additional % of proc power is required and one must have the same blocks/types set up in both presets in the same locations. It's a great solution for something as powerful as the III, but I think on the FM3 for a lot of folks gapless switching isn't going to offer much more than what one can do with scenes today and to implement it the amount one can put in a preset is going to be impacted negatively.
I'm curious...what problem does gapless switching solve on the FM3? In order to have spillover for gapless presets to actually sound gapless, an additional % of proc power is required and one must have the same blocks/types set up in both presets in the same locations. It's a great solution for something as powerful as the III, but I think on the FM3 for a lot of folks gapless switching isn't going to offer much more than what one can do with scenes today and to implement it the amount one can put in a preset is going to be impacted negatively.
It’s allow you to switch presets seamlessly therefore you would not have to worry as much about CPU constraints
One preset is Clean it can use all the FX you need for clean
Next preset Rythm different amp different fx
Right now you will get a gap switching amp channels
If you can use 5 presets , you could use 5 different amps and fx tailored to that specific use
It’s allow you to switch presets seamlessly therefore you would not have to worry as much about CPU constraints
One preset is Clean it can use all the FX you need for clean
Next preset Rythm different amp different fx
Right now you will get a gap switching amp channels
If you can use 5 presets , you could use 5 different amps and fx tailored to that specific use

You will have less power available per preset with spill over and gapless enabled. I guess this works for mod and dist blocks but any changes to reverbs and delays will be exactly the same issue as today when changing channels in those blocks, you will hear the settings updating when you switch. The only way spill over works is having those blocks set up the same over 2 presets. And I seriously doubt Fractal's preset switching is faster than channel switching now as they essentially are doing the same thing, loading a model and set of parameter. From the version 23 release notes:

"Improved channel switching speed. Amp and Cabinet block channel switching times, in particular, are much improved. This, in turn, improves preset and scene switching times."

This right here is where the FM3 will benefit most IMHO.
My understanding is that it is more about switching out channels in certain blocks within a preset without gaps. Like drive or amp block channels.
It’s really up to the individual
I would probably set it up in seperate presets because I want a comp or a trem
Let’s say on a clean
And I don’t want a chorus on a Recto Hi gain preset .
So it’s just allows you to save CPU by just using specific blocks in that preset , course you can also start to utilize channels a lot more too
Like 4 amps in one preset if you wanted but I would prefer to spread it out
Anyway we will have to see when , if it works and if there are any limitations compared to the current firmware in AX3
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Is this speculation? The actual FX FW uses less cpu than the one without gapless switching.

Well, maybe I'm wrong. Spill over works the same though, gotta have the same blocks/types for it to spill over correctly. So it's not like one can have a lush ambient patch and switch over to lead patch to save proc between the presets, same blocks/types have to exist in both.
I don't think that's completely true...

I could be wrong as I don't use preset spillover, this is from the FM3 manual:

WHEN CHANGING PRESETS...Spillover across different presets is a bit more involved. The first step is to open the SETUP: Global Settings: Config and set the Spillover parameter to determine whether “DELAY”, “REVERB”, or “BOTH” will spill over when you change presets. This setting is OFF by default.

You must also ensure that the same Delay or Reverb blocks exist in each of your presets where you want spillover. These need to be the same block and the same number (i.e. Delay 1 spills over only through Delay 1, Delay 2 through Delay 2, etc.).

For spillover to work perfectly, the blocks must also have similar settings and placement on the grid.
The moment you change to a new preset, the parameter settings can change. For example, if you change from a preset where Delay 1 has a time of 500 ms to a preset where Delay 1 time is 100 ms, the tails will suddenly be heard as 100ms echoes instead. You would likewise hear a difference in the tail, for instance, if that delay was placed after a clean amp block in one preset, and before an overdriven amp block in another! Bypass states and Bypass Mode settings must also be considered.
Yes, for "perfect" spillover, I think that's accurate... But I don't think you necessarily need it to be be perfect for gapless to work and be beneficial...
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