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Finally got to REALLY rock out!

Brian Coonan

Power User
I finally got to play a big show (3500-4000) people with my III and it was AWESOME! We played with a couple other bands and the guitar players in the other bands said my tone was outstanding - I'm hoping some audio/video surfaces but all the reasons why I went with Fractal - those boxes were all checked! Great tone, super easy set up/tear down (our last set was done at 11 and I was driving out of the gig at 11:18), rock-solid stability - was SUCH a great time! Thanks FAS for the kick-ass product!
Looks awesome - I played my first gig with the III this saturday (after owning it for 18 Covid19-stricken months). It was super cool. I have done a lot to optimize setup and teardown time, and I am pretty sure, I could beat 18 minutes :) At some point before Corona, while I was still playing my AX8, we had a gig with a stand-in singer, and he helped pulling the PA and lights, so the entire band including a small PA and light setup was in the van and ready to go in 27 minutes.
Looks awesome - I played my first gig with the III this saturday (after owning it for 18 Covid19-stricken months). It was super cool. I have done a lot to optimize setup and teardown time, and I am pretty sure, I could beat 18 minutes :) At some point before Corona, while I was still playing my AX8, we had a gig with a stand-in singer, and he helped pulling the PA and lights, so the entire band including a small PA and light setup was in the van and ready to go in 27 minutes.
Wow that is quick. In one of my past bands we’d spend at least 30 minutes just trying to find the singer after the show
I finally got to play a big show (3500-4000) people with my III and it was AWESOME! We played with a couple other bands and the guitar players in the other bands said my tone was outstanding - I'm hoping some audio/video surfaces but all the reasons why I went with Fractal - those boxes were all checked! Great tone, super easy set up/tear down (our last set was done at 11 and I was driving out of the gig at 11:18), rock-solid stability - was SUCH a great time! Thanks FAS for the kick-ass product!
View attachment 85884
What was so important to the left of the stage that nearly the entire crowd's attention was drawn to it?
What was so important to the left of the stage that nearly the entire crowd's attention was drawn to it?
This pic was taken by one of the other bands playing - this was right after our set was done, soooo...I'm gonna say they were looking for me to 1) get an autograph and 2) find out how my guitar could possibly sound so good. hahah
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