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New to Fractal


New Member
I'm new to Fractal and I'm thinking about purchasing the Axe-FX III. I have the new AXE I/O DAW interface and I would like to use it with the FX-III. My question is how do I connect it to the DAW? Also, I see a lot of people get rack cabinets and other accessories for their FX. What else would I need with it? I play mostly Metal and it's going to be used in my home studio. Also I'm thinking about upgrading my Monitors.

You can either replace the AXE I/O with the III or you can run the IIIs analog outputs into AXE I/O. Or, if you're on a Mac, you can make an aggregate device out of the AXE I/O and the III. Many options...
Aggregate device sounds this way I can use both. Would I still need to plug into the AXE I/O or just use a usb into my Mac from the FX? Thanks for the info
Regarding monitors...I currently use the AXEFX3 for direct recording only. In the past I had a pair of M-Audio BX5 monitors which were adequate. I upgraded to Yamaha HS7 monitors and it made all the difference.
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