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mission expession pedal


When i try to calibrate my SP1's for Wha and Volume they don't go ll the way to 100%. Am i doing something wrong and should they
Is this during calibration, or after and seeing it in a modifier page? What is it connected with? how close to 100 does it get? If it gets to 95 or so during the calibration it will work fine, that is the whole reason to do the calibrate.
Is this during calibration, or after and seeing it in a modifier page? What is it connected with? how close to 100 does it get? If it gets to 95 or so during the calibration it will work fine, that is the whole reason to do the calibrate.
92 0n vol and 91 on wah
My mission pedals with the toe switch are in the mid 90's while calibrating also but you would never know it when using them.
Hello everybody! Don't wanna steal this thread but, which mission engineering expression pedal i can use that would do volume and wah when i click on the toe switch?
Hello everybody! Don't wanna steal this thread but, which mission engineering expression pedal i can use that would do volume and wah when i click on the toe switch?

You will likely need both expression inputs to accomplish this.
Hello everybody! Don't wanna steal this thread but, which mission engineering expression pedal i can use that would do volume and wah when i click on the toe switch?
If you can find an SP-2, they work great as well. It will allow you to use the global volume and save a block in your presets.
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