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Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer

:eek-new: Here's a thought... Maybe the cross guard has an extra switch, and the wielded can activate it when needed (possibly using the force). We have seen, what, two seconds of footage of the sabre, and that not in "battle mode" but rather "menacing badass mode". Maybe the with wielded turns the quillon jets off to fight?

Worried about the 'realism' of a ... 'laser' sword? What about:

- FTL travel
- Telekinesis
- Artificial gravity
- Reactionless / inertialess drives (non-Newtonian)
- Sentient machines
- Direct mass to energy conversion

... and so on...

Drink the kool-aid you must. It's an awesome movie (series) where lots of stuff explodes PLUS it has jive-talking robots. All it needs now is Megan Fox to complete the trifecta.

"Wait - you mean this isn't a documentary?"
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No, you guys. He's running FW17 in that light sabre. In FW17, there is a "you can't f-up" parameter, so the cross guard thing doesn't matter. Also, I think it's been reported as a bug, so that it doesn't seem as if you can chop your own hands off at the wrist.
I'd like to take a lightsaber to everyone who quotes other people's photos. Get a grip people.
I saw that a couple days ago, but I was going to refrain from posting it in here and rubbing it in.

Haha. This again? Funny. He's pretty stiff-armed if you ask me, uses no reverse-hand grip. His movements are very clunky.

I demonstrated to Cooper Carter at the most recent Creative Live AxeFX class, using nothing more than a pen and a rubber band. He got it.
Really? Because this guy's demonstrated it to the entire internet, and they get it.

Mostly people who know zilch about fighting, I'll bet, or people who have only seen screen fighting, which bears little to no resemblance to real fighting.

Perhaps I'll set up a better demonstration with some friends that are still fighting.
Mostly people who know zilch about fighting, I'll bet, or people who have only seen screen fighting, which bears little to no resemblance to real fighting.

Perhaps I'll set up a better demonstration with some friends that are still fighting.

You do realize that this thing is only going to be used in on screen fighting, right? Which as you just said yourself, bears little to no resemblance to real fighting.

As Severed just pointed out, AGAIN, this is fiction. In the real world, a regular lightsaber would most likely lead to someone cutting their own head off. Has anyone in any of the SW films injured themselves with their own lightsaber? No. So, set up whatever demonstration makes you feel better; it doesn't negate the fact that anyone whining about the realism of this SWORD MADE OF LASERS has too much time on their hands to complain about things that don't need to be complained about.

Millennium Falcon Bass Guitar

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