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Pickup tone match

700 views, and only 3 people actually interested? i'm really surprised. i thought everyone would be into getting some free pickups.
700 views, and only 3 people actually interested? i'm really surprised. i thought everyone would be into getting some free pickups.
Time is magic Singtall - hang in there and set up a good system - this is a fantastic idea with much usable potential - It will fall into place.

Thanks for your efforts - Cheers

Busy here this week end but will soon be adding a Zematis hearts ( ala ronnie wood - Zemaitis Guitars - Ronnie Wood - The Rolling Stones ) with 2x Lindy Fralin PAFs, 1999 PRS Custom 24 10Top with the PRS pickups & Fender Eric Johnson Strat with EJ pick ups).
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Can we do an acoustic? - say my Martin D28 w B-Band dual system or my 79' Taylor 555 12 string modded with Taylor expression system???
thanks man. acoustics welcome for sure. i added my Fender acoustic and it is cool playing electric guitar with acoustic tone. your additions will be very cool.
some Es-335 or other semi hollows would be nice - Anyone have a Byrdland?? - Stuff that is way unique would be very fun if the TM can get the essence of the hollowness and unique caricaturists of some of the Guitars that would be a huge way to enhance our tonal palette along with everything else we already have on our AFXs
I would be interested in participate, but frankly I don't really get it from the video I saw, I'm not
very skilled with this machine yet .. so if you could do a step by step for dummies I would send you my
tone matches as well :)

But honestly I don't know how to do it ..

someone can tell me where i'm wrong?
what I understand about TM is that the TM process is a kind of "eq morphing" of the eq curve of your sound to the shape of the sound you want recreate! So you must before create a tone (made by a chain of the guitar+axe amp&cab) that is the nearest possible to the tone you want match. Than you can match the two things.
If this is right what i can't understand is:
1) how can we talk about "p.u. TM" coz the TM is something different from a cab's IR. We are TMing the overall TONE eq curve not just the p.u.
2) how can the TMed tone sound just like the p.u. you want reproduce if your original guitar tone is very far from that (i.e. you start from stock SC and want reproduce the power of some active EMG humbuckers)
tnx in adv.
1) how can we talk about "p.u. TM" coz the TM is something different from a cab's IR. We are TMing the overall TONE eq curve not just the p.u.
You're TMing whatever signal comes into the TM block. If that happens to be the raw guitar tone, then you're TMing the guitar tone.

2) how can the TMed tone sound just like the p.u. you want reproduce if your original guitar tone is very far from that (i.e. you start from stock SC and want reproduce the power of some active EMG humbuckers).
You're right. Someone else's tone match will only work for you if you're using the same guitar and pickups that he used. But if you share clips of raw guitar sounds, then you can tone-match your guitar to those sounds.
someone can tell me where i'm wrong?
what I understand about TM is that the TM process is a kind of "eq morphing" of the eq curve of your sound to the shape of the sound you want recreate! So you must before create a tone (made by a chain of the guitar+axe amp&cab) that is the nearest possible to the tone you want match. Than you can match the two things.
If this is right what i can't understand is:
1) how can we talk about "p.u. TM" coz the TM is something different from a cab's IR. We are TMing the overall TONE eq curve not just the p.u.
2) how can the TMed tone sound just like the p.u. you want reproduce if your original guitar tone is very far from that (i.e. you start from stock SC and want reproduce the power of some active EMG humbuckers)
tnx in adv.

I think you're basically right, but I still think it's useful. The TM you get is not necessarily going to sound the same as if you had placed that particular pickup in your guitar. It's essentially a TM of the guitar used + the pickup in it + sound characteristics of the pick attack, etc.

Here's how I think of it: Let's say I have my EMG 707 equipped 7 string Jackson in hand but want to play some 80s cheez metal with it. My Jackson doesn't exactly do the 80s thing that well (at least not without a lot of tweaking). It's more of a modern tone. So, I think to myself: "I wish I could have the tone of my PRS equipped with a JB right now but still use this Jackson". Simple, load up the TM of the PRS. Done! It works fairly well too. I've tried the exact scenario I just mentioned. It wasn't absolutely perfect but made my Jackson sound remarkably close to my PRS.

I haven't tried using any others' TMs yet (Singtall hasn't yet sent me the link to the vault. :)) but I think it will be cool to audition the sound of various guitar + pickup combinations that I've never tried before.

I think if you want to use the TMs strictly to audition pickups you'll have to pick a file in which the guitar is very similar to your own in terms of woods, scale length, construction, etc.
have to say its interesting but I have sooooooooooooooooooooooo many IR's amps combos to play with and try and tweak right now, adding another dimension is beyond bewildering; Again I think I will eventually participate but also recording wmv's for me is even a chore ( I have yet to figure out my daw very well) In fact add trying to program a new midi keyboard, and throw in even attempting to program drums.
This is an awesome idea! My guitars are in the shop, but I'd love to contribute ASAP. Way to go, Singtall.
i like the guitar tonematch idea, even if it doesn't sound like my guitar with that pickup in it. what i have found is that there are magic combinations of guitar/pickups, and not every guitar will sound good with a certain pickup. for example: i have two 1986 Robin Wedges....there were only like 200 made, ever. of the 2 i have, one of them has stock pickups (that may be made by Schaller) and it sounds great for lead work. once upon a time, i took the pickups out of that guitar and put them in my other Robin Wedge (because the other one has a floyd rose) and those pickups sounded terrible in the other guitar. the smooth sounding Robin is made of basswood, the other is probably mahogany (judging from the dark tones) and needs a much brighter pickup like a bill lawrence or EMG to make it sound good.

with the tonematch that we are doing, i can chose a complete guitar that works with a given amp and wail away. i used my Charvel with EMG'S to play this morning, and the tonematch i used was an Eric Johnson strat. i played through the Plexi model and you would have thought i was Lincoln Brewster with the tone i had.

instead of thinking that the tonematch has limitations; i consider the limitations to be a plus....i would much rather have the tone of a great sounding guitar than to have those same pickups on my crappy sounding body wood.
I'm bookmarking this thread because I wont have access to my electrics and Axe until Sept 2014, but REALLY want the pickup tonematches. LOL!
700 views, and only 3 people actually interested? i'm really surprised. i thought everyone would be into getting some free pickups.

This is awesome, I will be joining up when I get my Axe 2, hopefully later this month if all goes well.
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