Mark V Amp Match - All Channels & Modes

For you FRFR guys that dig the hollow sound of the original dual rec ..., try the 4x12 Cali ! It's really, REALLY aggressive sounding :evil

I'm using the 412 Cali also and these Mark V sims are amazing. Probably the best sounding stuff on the unit.

Hate to derail this thread because I love what's going on with ToneMatching and this Mark V set is probably the best stuff I've heard yet but why is it that the ToneMatches sound better than the simulations that Cliff and the team created? This is not a knock on anyone again. Just trying to figure out the difference in process between creating a sim and creating a TM.

Shouldn't the TM be part of the process when creating a amp simulation and basically be part of the core sim? Probably best answered by Cliff or one of the engineers at Fractal.

Just a thought.
Shouldn't the TM be part of the process when creating a amp simulation and basically be part of the core sim?

Cliff has stated multiple times that tone matching is baked into the amp sims for all the amps that he as a physical unit. As to why things sound different, i can t say.
I guess it just comes down to the settings that cliff had when he tone-matched the Mark V? Maybe?

Is that how ToneMatching works? Is it dependent on the settings of the amp when you record?
The Mark V modes are not exact replications of the original circuit, which is why it would sound different. So the Mark IV circuit on the Mark V will be a BIT different than the Mark IV amp itself. Or at least that's the conclusion I have come to!
The Mark V is exact replica of a Mark IV.But it does not replicate all the push pull ,bright on off switches.Having owned a Mark VI and dialed in on the long as you use exactely same speaker and pickups(Mark V hates some pickups) you get 100 % same tone.And you have to be carefull about the Diode/triode setting in channel 3(II C + ,IV,Extreme)

Same on Mark II C+, canot comment on MArk I never played one

Glad you guys are digging it! While i have the amp, i made a couple more presets trying to replicate the awesome Petrucci LTE Live tone. I think they came out well. I did it in both the IIC+ and IV mode. Slight modifications to the settings. Will post when i get home this evening.

Yup since i used the synth block to do these matches, it should translate well to all types of guitars.

Still waiting for these to be posted (hint hint). :D

Anyway, I was finally able to try these now after receiving my Axe II a week ago and they are great. I actually am using my own amp settings with the Tone Match block from one of the patches, plus a second Tone Match I did of a Mark IV clip I have that I really like, as a Cab block. The combination sounds amazing and already blows away the Mesa Mark tone I worked forever on with my Axe FX Standard.
On a PC,save as with right click is not a option only copy . Can YOU please list the syx files here. Thanks K
On a PC,save as with right click is not a option only copy . Can YOU please list the syx files here. Thanks K
I don't understand ...
Kind of off-topic, since no one has that problem in here. I use Mozilla Firefox 13 on Windows 7. "Ziel speichern unter ..." is "Save target as ..." in English. Works fine for me.
Trouble downloading/uploading into Axe Edit/AxeII

Hello Everyone, i am excited to share this pack with you. I got a bit impatient waiting for a Mark V amp match, so i went to guitar center and bought the dang thing! Spent the last day or so Amp Matching and the result is this pack. Sorry i don't have clips to share, but with my ears i don't hear much difference! It helps that there are already amps (USA Clean, USA Rhythm, USA Lead, USA IIC+) in the Axe that are close to the Mark V modes.

A few notes here:

- The procedure used to do the amp match was as detailed out by Morphosis (Thank you!), using the template preset and sine wave "synth" noise to send signal
- The Mark V was connected to Axe FX II via the Slave Out. As per the Mark V manual the slave out is after the "Preamp" and "Poweramp", so it's getting the both.
- I used an Ownhammer Cab after the ToneMatch block. It's a Mesa V30(2) Cab with a blend of SM57 & MD421 Mics. If you don't have these Cabs you can substitute for any Cab of your liking. I am sure it will sound good. The Tone Match is capturing before the Cab so the Cab was not part of the tone match process per say!
- All Channels & Modes were matched in 90 Watts and Full Power setting on the Mark V
- Each setting was done in Fat Switch On & Fat Switch Off. This is indicated with an "F" at the end of the Preset Name
- Channel 3 Mark IIC+ Mode was done with the "Triode" Poweramp setting whereas the Mark IV & Extreme Modes were done with the "Pentode" setting.
- Channel 2 Crunch Mode & Channel 3 Mark IIC+, Mark IV & Extreme modes were done using the EQ Sliders on the Mark V in the typical "V- Shape". All other Modes were done without using the EQ Sliders.
- I generally used John Petrucci type settings where applicable as they are readily available and well he's my favorite guitarist

Alright so there you have it! Feel free to provide feedback. I have not tried amp matching utilizing "Pink Noise" or "by playing chords" on the guitar as Cliff suggested. If i have time i may try it.

Hope some of you find this bank useful! Since i exported these with the Axe-Edit i am not sure if there will be any corruption of the presets or not. ENJOY! V.syx

I can download it using "Save Link As" only. When I try "import from preset file" [Recall], it doesn't work.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I have a mac, or because I have 6.01 instead of 6.02?

Im a bit worried that forthcoming firmwares might kill all the good work on these :p

There could possibly be a solution to this, if we could backup the reference TM data somehow. I added this to the wish list a while ago . If this could be implemented, all one would have to do is upload a reference file and re-sweep the synth block for the local TM following firmware updates, and the sounds of previous firmwares could be relatively maintained.
When I load the bank, it is completely muted. When I bypass the cab, I can hear just the amp.

Cab L says 000.syx and cab R says 001.sys..hmm?

Or are you suppose to just use your own cabs......
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