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Looking for Amps on Craigslist and Found This

....Because the Diamond Plated Grill on the Mesa METALLLL (rawwrr) amp isn't cheesy, or the 11 on the Soldano, or trucker girls on my XXX

And what's up with these morons and their glowing tubes? Are these the kind of guys the sleep with Fred Flintstone night lights too?
If he was in the hospital he would rather be hooked up to a machine with tubes? Look at the purtty lights though!

MOORE'S LAW is roughly being followed, transistors will be able to (or are able to :)) model tubes better than tubes... ooo look a butterfly!
Many years ago I bought a Line 6 variax thinking that I could then get rid of all my other guitars. I sold the variax. Guitars are so much more tactile and sexy than amps, I can't imagine feeling the same way about an amp as I do my guitars.
This post brightened my day on multiple levels:

1. I think it is kind of cool that the AxeFX is reaching a level of notoriety that someone actually feels that their personal paradigm is threatened to the point where they would post something on Craigslist to somehow hold on to their preconceived notions of how things are "supposed" to work in the gear world. That is actually kind of amazing and a testament to what a revolutionary product it is.
2. It is AWESOME to hear Cliff is surfing for amps. :)
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As much as I love my AXE, i will never get rid of my collection of mesa Amps. No matter how close the AXE comes, there is just something about the tube amp I love. I will continue to use both for home, stage, and studio depending on the circumstances. I just think the whole AXE vs amp thing is silly. That is like trying to argue les paul vs stratocaster. It is an individual preference and should remain so. When I hear posters on this forum wishing so and so would switch to the AXE, i laugh. I dont need any justification from anybody. I use what i use when I want and fortunate to have the choice. Bashing guys like the craigslist poster is a waste of time. Ive never seen any bashing of the AXE of the mesa boards. Maybe Cliff will post V14 tonight and every body can spend their time upgrading and tweeking the presets rather than this not very useful, getting way too long thread!
If you have a few hundred thousand dollars ( and the space, patience and neighbours nice enough to let you use them at 4 in the morning or any time you feel like playing then great, buy every single fx pedal, amp and cab that the axe II emulates amazingly and have at it.
I know which option made more sense to me.
So this beckons the question... Will the XL come with "extra" cheese?

I expect a full endorsements from "Kraft" and "Sorrento"!
I've actually been attacked personally (along with my band) on Craigslist many times. I assume the posters are members or friends of members of other local bands (they always post anonymously). Any vehicle that allows someone to broadcast hate anonymously to a targeted group of people will always attract the worst trolls. At first, it took great restraint for me to refrain from responding. But I quickly let it go. It never pays to feed a troll. What they fear most is to be ignored.
I have some vinyl but I really only ever listen to high-quality MP3s or FLAC. Hell, I don't even have a turntable at the moment, but I like having that sealed copy of the J. Geils Band's final (and critically panned) album just because I'm weird that way.

I love my vinyl and my B&O turntable. Even though my CDs sound technically 'better' , the vinyl experience is enjoyable because of the mellifluous sound and for people like myself who grew up with vinyl it still kind of feels right somehow. If I want out and out pristine quality I still go for CDs and for convenience whilst on the move, then the iPod does the trick. No need to dismiss a format just because it's old. The same applies to old amps really. It's enjoyable just to sit down and plug in to one from time to time.
There's no accounting for taste. I know a girl who doesn't like cheesecake. How can you not like cheesecake? That's like not enjoying sex or foot massages.

So, some dingbat can't deal with an Axe FX. No biggie. He's the one who loses, not us. Fractal can barely keep the things in stock, so sales aren't suffering. Let him have his Booger. They're nice amps. Makes him happy. Let it go.

Curious, though. You rarely hear such vehement bad-mouthing. I mean, how far off could the thing be? In my experience, it's eerie how accurate the thing is.
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