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Is 9.04 The Last Firmware For The Axe-Fx II?

If we stopped right now we'd be in good shape. It sounds great now.

No use in speculating here, but I would say over the next year or so if we can get the benefit from Ares Cliff will find a way to port it over. The Axe II is not 'done' by any means IMO.
Wow, I have to admit, I was near positive we wouldn't be getting anymore updates. Really great that you guys understand why this is a good business decision in the long run. Some day when i have the money and the III has gotten a good bit past what the II can do, I'll be buying a III, because I know it'll continue to be an increasingly valuable piece of gear long past the introduction of the 4 or whatever comes next. Kudos!
Wow, really appreciate to keep the AFXII evolutions alive for a time. Always a pleasure.
And it's a nice involvement from FAS to continue supporting the II's users.
And in parallel very pleased with the 9.04 tone: crisp, clear, punchy, etc... great to sum up.
Cool.... I still am in the process of paying off the credit card $$ that I used to buy my Axe FX II Mk I six years ago
I was in a similar situation a couple of times, when it seemed important for my career, and was glad I did given the amount of progress and experience the products provided. To have waited until I could 'afford' it would have been too much time lost without adequate tools. :cool:
You put the serious in seriousness

Each time I see this kind of cliff's message, I'm feeling like don't stop me now is playing in the background and I have the urge to celebrate
No. In fact I finished porting some of the Ares stuff to the II yesterday.

I just finished reading the 'watch golf and eat nachos' thread and opened this thread and saw this. My jaw dropped in awe! That's amazing.

I've been a Fractal user since the Ultra days (10+ years - time flies when you're having fun) and I'm floored! I, too, thought 9.04 would be EOL for firmware on the II and this is just spectacular.

As @winger said so well:

..... A heartfelt thank you from an ever gratefull MK1 user.
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