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Is 9.04 The Last Firmware For The Axe-Fx II?

Definitely have mixed feelings about this. I wonder how much the amp models will change?.... Just finished updating my 'Clean to Mean' and 'Mild to Wild' packs (almost 600 presets) to 9.04, and I'm part way through the Individual presets.:eek::(:confused:

That's why you make the big bucks!

It's also one of the reasons I personally use like 5 or 6 presets tops. :)

Thanks Cliff. Very cool that we'll still get some updates, I'll be thrilled if it lasts as least as long as my AX8 is an active product.
Definitely have mixed feelings about this. I wonder how much the amp models will change?.... Just finished updating my 'Clean to Mean' and 'Mild to Wild' packs (almost 600 presets) to 9.04, and I'm part way through the Individual presets.:eek::(:confused:

"This is the last one, I swear, I swear!!!"

*a few weeks later*

"Oh wait, what's this..."
Definitely have mixed feelings about this. I wonder how much the amp models will change?.... Just finished updating my 'Clean to Mean' and 'Mild to Wild' packs (almost 600 presets) to 9.04, and I'm part way through the Individual presets.:eek::(:confused:
Don't download the new firmware when it comes out Moke, its a trap! Cliff is secretly going to brick our units or make them sound really bad so everyone has to order a new AXE FXIII :eek:;);)
Beautiful. One of my favorite things about Fractal is they don't forget their older units. I upgraded to the Axe FX III because I couldn't resist hahaha. But I'm sure the Axe FX II will still be attended, revisited, and updated for many moons to come.
I just hoping for the amp modeling part and maybe a few new amp models.....not the star and moon. :)
Being that it hasn't been released and what was said in the other thread made me wonder.
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