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I opened it but got distracted before I went through it. :)

Edit: I just listened to the example and it's close but sounds almost more like a pitch shift than the real pedal. I'll give it a try and see how it sounds in the room.

It is the real pedal and the Axe-fx compared side by side, all the examples are. first one then the other.
people are constantly asking for "basic" controls for effects and amps, but they may not realize the work needed to match the tapers of each "basic" knob and what each one really does. so let's say they get their basic page with depth and speed, but then they match their real pedal knob positions and it doesn't sound exactly the same, yadda yadda...

of course we can ask for whatever we want. i like that. it's progress. it's ideas. i wish more people understood the work it takes to make a basic knob do basic things though. the "demand" notion may die down a bit and it may get more supportive with users providing actionable ideas :)

Guilty as charged - I keep asking for basic controls :)

My thinking is that since a lot of people are obviously struggling with some of these blocks, some clever people (from this thread) would only need to work this out once and it will then benefit everyone.
A great flanger sound is something a lot of us obviously love to have. I guess for those of us ( me in particular ) it gets a little confusing what to adjust to nail those classic tones. All I've known is it always sounds best after the drive. Thanks for the tips everyone!!!
Interesting thread as well...makes me wonder if the 'barberpole' effect like the phaser has could be applied to a flanger...???
Interesting thread as well...makes me wonder if the 'barberpole' effect like the phaser has could be applied to a flanger...???

That what I was thinking with the "Takeoff" effect if you could set it so it pitches only up or only down rather than oscillating. Then you could use it to pull off simulated divebombs or pull-ups.
That what I was thinking with the "Takeoff" effect if you could set it so it pitches only up or only down rather than oscillating. Then you could use it to pull off simulated divebombs or pull-ups.

To do that you tie the delay time to an expression pedal. Depth at 0.Feedback high. Refine w/ low and high cut Add a little damping to the expression pedal and you control your own sweep.

The barber pole is a little different it is like it is constantly getting higher or lower but never really getting there. That would be really cool to have and has been a request for a very long time.

It hasn't been mentioned, but be real careful with the drive parameter in the flanger, it can really mess things up if you are not careful.
For me, what I notice is the ability to get a more pronounced effect while retaining the clarity of the signal and the effect together. I struggle to obtain that on the Axe. Sometimes I get it or at least really close. ....
I think there is something to this - I have come to the same conclusion. Hmmm....might try and A/B against the actual pedal(s) next weekend.
That might be wise, even though it may impact existing presets.
BTW, all the pre-set type have Depth at 50%.

I wouldn't like that at all, not at alll. Depth is the maximum amount of delay time width. Some sort of scaling parameter would work w/o changing existing presets. It could be min, normal, max which would limit the max delay time.
you could then have an excursion time of 0-5 ms, 0-10ms, or (as Cliff stated is possible) 0 -20 ms. That would cover every excursion range of any flanger out there.
True, but presets also default to low, which is a good thing, I would say. As it is, that parameter is easy to control.

That might be wise, even though it may impact existing presets.
BTW, all the pre-set type have Depth at 50%.
The barber pole is a little different it is like it is constantly getting higher or lower but never really getting there. That would be really cool to have and has been a request for a very long time.

That's a good way of describing how the effect sounds. It would be a cool 'flavor' to have for the flanger I agree...now I'm wondering if the barberpole would a useful effect for the Rotary...???
The trick to the PG Ibanez Aeroplane Flanger Takeoff effect is the the Output is mechanically moved to the Input causing an oscillation.
I discovered this as a teen that you could take a phase or flange pedal and connect the input of the effect box to the input of an amp and viola! Crazy ufo sounds. :geek
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I have the ADA Flanger reissue and love it. I sold my EVH Flanger, PG Aeroplane Flanger. Overall I didn't care for the Aeroplane Flanger.
The EVH Flanger has some MoJo I just haven't recaptured with the AxeFXII. The ADA Flanger hasn't been emulated by the AxeFXII at all IMHO, YMMV.
I didn't read all of the replies so I apologize if some of what I said is repeated. I own a Frostbite Flanger and it is definitely cool pedal. But even the Frostbite suffers the same thing that nearly all flangers suffer from and that is that they all have a tendency to REALLY take over the direct sound. They also are very different beasts if run before the amp or in the effects loop. So, what I would do is try the flanger both before and after your amp block. But I would also try putting it on a side chain where you can then balance the direct signal with the flanger. In my case, I very much like having control over how much direct-to-effect mix there is when it comes to flangers.
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