Can someone from Fractal Audio confirm AXE III isn't around the corner?

The processing hardware is great. Personally I'd rather have the front panel one big touchscreen but that would be cost prohibitive.

IMHO- I would love to see someone go the route of making a dedicated Preamp for direct recording NO effects in a rack version. You could put a touchscreen on that and be cost effective..;)

Cripes... a little cruel perhaps, but possibly true
... but on the modelling side... I've gotta say, I can't see it getting better.

And yet the Axe II is already at V7. Even if it sounds amazing now, Cliff'll keep working on it until it gets to a point where the hardware needs updating. But that doesn't mean it'll be any time soon. The Ultra held up for a good few years, and I'm still using mine. Might not be the latest model, but it still sounds great. :)
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