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Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 4.00 Beta

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I’d better pull my AF3 out of the rack it lives in cos I can’t exactly reach it. It appears that I’m missing out on a world of fun just driving the thing with Axe Edit version whatever. sounds like 4.0 is demanding hands on access..
Is it even possible to get more real than a real amp? Maybe.
"In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the mind, there are no limits... In the province of connected minds, what the network believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the network's mind there are no limits."

Says the Dhammapada: "Mind precedes all phenomena"
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I’d better pull my AF3 out of the rack it lives in cos I can’t exactly reach it. It appears that I’m missing out on a world of fun just driving the thing with Axe Edit version whatever. sounds like 4.0 is demanding hands on access..
Axe-Edit is working fine for me, certainly on the amps/drives.

(Don't use CS)
I played an Anderson Drop Top a few years ago and still think about it every now and then. The only way I can describe it would be "mathematically perfect." Perfect setup, perfect resonance, every single note on the neck was perfect and sustained way longer than you'd think a guitar note could naturally sustain. It was so good it felt almost alien. The one I played had a switcheroo system as well, which was super versatile.

Drop Tops are pretty much the platonic ideal of a super strat. Hell of a guitar.

I love my Anderson too, but it does have the switcheroo system. Nice in the studio, but not so much Live (to fiddly to adjust quickly) IMO.
Minor issue: after loading up 4.00, my Drive Block on Micro Boost decided to change from HV Tube clip to OP Amp clip. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this until I went through and adjusted the tone, preamp, power amp and dynamics pages. In the end I wound up with less MV, less preamp and power amp tube hardness and a lower Drive Block Drive and other smaller tweaks...
Axe-Edit is not updated for 4.0 Beta. The Authentic pages were added to Axe-Edit a day or two after 3.02 was out of beta.
I know it’s off topic, but the Tom Anderson drop top custom is the only guitar I regret selling. It was just an all around badass beast, in every aspect. It’s been at the top of my wishlist for a few years, if it only weren’t for the axe fx 2, ax8 and axe fx 3 that made me postpone it every year!
Minor issue: after loading up 4.00, my Drive Block on Micro Boost decided to change from HV Tube clip to OP Amp clip. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this until I went through and adjusted the tone, preamp, power amp and dynamics pages. In the end I wound up with less MV, less preamp and power amp tube hardness and a lower Drive Block Drive and other smaller tweaks...
Hmm... I think Op Amp is the correct type.

I'm still on 3.02b so I can check later what mine is.
Minor issue: after loading up 4.00, my Drive Block on Micro Boost decided to change from HV Tube clip to OP Amp clip. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this until I went through and adjusted the tone, preamp, power amp and dynamics pages. In the end I wound up with less MV, less preamp and power amp tube hardness and a lower Drive Block Drive and other smaller tweaks...
OP Amp is the correct type.
Will Axe-edit implement a realistic Amp image on the Authentic Page like other amp Sims? Of course that isn't essential but I always like looking at the actual image of the amp to learn about its setup.
Will Axe-edit implement a realistic Amp image on the Authentic Page like other amp Sims? Of course that isn't essential but I always like looking at the actual image of the amp to learn about its setup.
Edit: misinterpreted the comment. This has not been done.
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