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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 9.00 Firmware Release

Had plenty of time to mess with 9 and for the first time I’m reverting back the previous version (8.02).

For some reason my Tele on 9 sounds like it magically has MUCH hotter pickups than it used to....

I know there is a repository for old versions of Axe-Edit (I installed the latest for compatibility for 9) but can’t find the url. I need the version tha was released for 8.02. Do any of you have the url ?

Thanks in advance !!
I rarely chime in, and all my posts show my continually love and support for all things Fractal. I always update and saw "WOW", but this time was different. My tone just seems... I dunno, flat? I did an outdoor festival 3 weeks ago and my tone was just insane. Took 2 weeks off after landing, and fired it up, installed firmware 9, and it just sounds blah I guess. I have never experienced this since day own of being a Fractal owner. Not sure what to do. I need to google how to go backwards in firmware, record something, then reinstall 9, and record something and see if its just me or not. It's just doesn't have the hard rock balls it had. hmmm. I still love you Cliff! I am just being honest here:(
To get the benefit of FW9, I reset(double clicked bypass) the amp blocks and started over on each amp to get the 'wow' out of this! I did have to go with a different amp on a few of them but the end result was spectacular! Doing this gave the end result of less mud and more cut through with way more character and feel! PS. Turned overdrive settings down.
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Had plenty of time to mess with 9 and for the first time I’m reverting back the previous version (8.02).

For some reason my Tele on 9 sounds like it magically has MUCH hotter pickups than it used to....

I know there is a repository for old versions of Axe-Edit (I installed the latest for compatibility for 9) but can’t find the url. I need the version tha was released for 8.02. Do any of you have the url ?

Thanks in advance !!
Re-tweak you can now cut back on traditional overdrive settings.
Thx but I’m already mid-downgrade.

And it appears that the latest Axe-Edit that was released for 9 so far *seems* to work with 8.02.
Had plenty of time to mess with 9 and for the first time I’m reverting back the previous version (8.02).

For some reason my Tele on 9 sounds like it magically has MUCH hotter pickups than it used to....

I know there is a repository for old versions of Axe-Edit (I installed the latest for compatibility for 9) but can’t find the url. I need the version tha was released for 8.02. Do any of you have the url ?

Thanks in advance !!
Does this also happen with speaker comp at 0? Cuz it could just be an apparent effect of post-compression
Yes, even with speaker comp at 0.

I also messed with the time constant (I’m not in front of my Axe but I think that’s what it was) and even with the speaker comp set at zero it DID have an impact on the sound when turned up and back down.
I think I might have the opposite of perceptual bias, because honestly, the last 3 or 4 firmware updates all sounded the same to me. Even with the new speaker comp, excluding the loss in volume I can hardly tell a difference between it on 1 or 6. Maybe my ears are just shot, or I'm not playing loud enough.
I think I might have the opposite of perceptual bias, because honestly, the last 3 or 4 firmware updates all sounded the same to me. Even with the new speaker comp, excluding the loss in volume I can hardly tell a difference between it on 1 or 6. Maybe my ears are just shot, or I'm not playing loud enough.


To my ears, there's a huge difference between speaker comp settings. I like it up to about 2, and then it seems to do more harm than good for my patches.

I'm still trying to decide whether I like the change overall, but it's a big change without question.
What I am hearing is probably due to my ears getting more and more experienced and familiar with the device, but I can actually hear difference between different tubes. Previously I did not hear much of a difference. Also I revisited the console page in cab block and I really appreciate it now. It can really help to fine tune the tone and give it a little extra stuff, depending on drive and saturation. Last time I used it, I really couldn't tell any difference between tape 35, 50 and 70 and now I actually can.

no matter whether it was the firmware or something else - I really like what I can get out of this box and it just keeps giving new stuff to me ... - amazing.

Thanks FAS team! You make a killer product!
I do my best to reset the perceptual bias with any upgrade. Especially when there's been a change to the phase inverter. The algorithms are so realistic, they need to be cycled through a few times for the perceptual current to stabilize. There's also a break in period for a speaker if perceptual bias is at the beginning of the signal chain. ;)
I do my best to reset the perceptual bias with any upgrade. Especially when there's been a change to the phase inverter. The algorithms are so realistic, they need to be cycled through a few times for the perceptual current to stabilize. There's also a break in period for a speaker if perceptual bias is at the beginning of the signal chain. ;)

Wow! Perpetual motion!!
Don't get too comfortable with this firmware. I had an epiphany a few days ago and have been crunching equations and coding like mad since then. I realized I wasn't adjusting the speaker impedance curve to coincide with the compression. As the speaker compresses its impedance curve changes. Makes a big difference. Tighter low end and clearer highs. The math is a bit of a bear but I finally cracked it this morning.
Don't get too comfortable with this firmware. I had an epiphany a few days ago and have been crunching equations and coding like mad since then. I realized I wasn't adjusting the speaker impedance curve to coincide with the compression. As the speaker compresses its impedance curve changes. Makes a big difference. Tighter low end and clearer highs. The math is a bit of a bear but I finally cracked it this morning.
Don't get too comfortable with this firmware. I had an epiphany a few days ago and have been crunching equations and coding like mad since then. I realized I wasn't adjusting the speaker impedance curve to coincide with the compression. As the speaker compresses its impedance curve changes. Makes a big difference. Tighter low end and clearer highs. The math is a bit of a bear but I finally cracked it this morning.
This kind of dedication is truly unsurpassed, in just about anything. Truly inspiring.
Don't get too comfortable with this firmware. I had an epiphany a few days ago and have been crunching equations and coding like mad since then. I realized I wasn't adjusting the speaker impedance curve to coincide with the compression. As the speaker compresses its impedance curve changes. Makes a big difference. Tighter low end and clearer highs. The math is a bit of a bear but I finally cracked it this morning.
Wow, So even could be that there will never be Q9 for AX8?
Thanks for the update FAS. loving it. The Britt 800's sound amazing. Same amps I used in the 80's and still using them in the Axe FX. No time to talk I want to play......
Don't get too comfortable with this firmware. I had an epiphany a few days ago and have been crunching equations and coding like mad since then. I realized I wasn't adjusting the speaker impedance curve to coincide with the compression. As the speaker compresses its impedance curve changes. Makes a big difference. Tighter low end and clearer highs. The math is a bit of a bear but I finally cracked it this morning.

Man my inner geek loves this stuff. This complex and dynamic signal chain moving in mathematical unity and Cliff has his head wrapped around it. Makes me think of the story of Einstein picturing what it would be like to ride on a light beam. Dig it!
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