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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 7.02 Public Beta

The new motor drive is excellent. However, depending on the amp's level its result can vary a lot, and can produce pumping compression/limiting if the amp's level is too high.
Maybe moving it in the amp before the level could allow easier setting ?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo ... please! :) For the love of Pete (us "real cab players").

It's bad enough to go turn off the 0.5 speaker drive in the amp block for every preset and x/y state - that's at least 4 extra, nonsense edits in a dual-amp setup patch, of which I have many. First, reset amp blocks, re-test, uh-oh - too flubby/farty ... oh, go turn that 0.5 to ZERO. Save. ;)

Please don't place another cabinet feature in the amp block.
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AC30, Hot Cat and DC-30. Oddly enough (maybe not) that they are all Class A amps. The Hot Cat is still acting up. It works for about 15 minutes and then starts to squeal. I hate Class A amps. They run too hot and eat tubes. They sound great right before they die though.

How about a 'time until meltdown' control for class A amps, so you we are able to dial in how exactly how close the amp sounds to its inevitable destruction and hold it there.

Perhaps we could also have a seperate control to adjust the amount of fire coming out of the transformer laminations?

That's not a solution. A lot of players, myself included as well as many pro players, use both direct-out (FOH) and power amp/cab (stage backline). Disabling Motor Drive in the Global menu would affect direct-out as well.
Me too, I use both FOH feed and Poweramp & Cab Onstage for my monitor.
I agree with Cliff's decision to keep this Cabinet Block feature in the Cabinet Block and not the Amp block. The fact that these two can be independent (meaning the Cab block placed after the FXLOOP bypasses the Cab Block to the Outputs that feed the Power amp and Real Cab option Output 2) is the main reason I thought the AXEFX's dual stereo outputs were so useful for a live situation.
I also wonder what's the more authentic placement for those two algos.. I mean, I think the way a speaker compresses and overdrives is influenced by its own frequency response so maybe is more correct to place both motor drive and speaker drive after the IR.
I also wonder what's the more authentic placement for those two algos.. I mean, I think the way a speaker compresses and overdrives is influenced by its own frequency response so maybe is more correct to place both motor drive and speaker drive after the IR.
Yes but then a sort of threshold could be needed
Could it be possible to have a 'none' option in the cab block for cabs for those who use plugins to load IRs when recording with the Axe FX 2? I agree the cab block makes sense for motor drive but there are people who record using cab sims but not the cab block itself (e.g. those who use cablab plugin etc)

I'm still on 7.01 as I haven't had a chance to update yet, currently in the middle of some recordings.
Just load a null IR
Huh? An optical is all about "character" adding non linearities as in grit and overtones, mosdef not transparency unless it means something different to me.
Maybe it is the slow attack that you like? It doesn't eat up your transients (pick attack).
So I didn't get in on 7.01, but loaded up 7.02 today and was blown away. I know the term is over used, but so many of the amps are so organic. Love it!
So I didn't get in on 7.01, but loaded up 7.02 today and was blown away. I know the term is over used, but so many of the amps are so organic. Love it!
Same here - found 7.01 a little harsh - 7.02 with motor drive around 5 on my recto patch - best my stuff has ever sounded - and again - the improved amp/cab realism seems to result in improved FX quality.
...the new Motor Drive...has a surprisingly long release time, though. I would've thought the speaker would come out of compression as soon as the signal falls off.

I don't get why the release of the gain reduction is as slow as it is. It seems a speaker would recover faster?

This might explain it:
...motor drive models the frequency distortion due to voice coil heating/cooling.
I reckon it would except no speaker I ever used seemed to recover sonically as slow in front of a mic.
Could be you're hearing the Speaker Drive portion recover quickly, rather than the Motor Drive portion?

I'll admit I'm not quite clear on "amplitude distortion" vs. "frequency distortion." I don't know how you can distort a waveform without affecting both amplitude and frequency content. Unless Motor Drive is an EQ thing...
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