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Axe-Fx II Quantum Rev 3.00 Public Beta

I am all about Dynamic Presence now!!! I have been messing around with it on the Morgan AC20 since I installed Q3 and I LOVE what it does to the break up quality. It has a really nice effect on how notes blend together too. Think that Curtis Mayfield/Jimi Hendrix rhythm approach in early breakup. I also like it for soaring leads on the neck pickup doing that 'vowel' quality thing. This is all testing on single coils BTW.

If you really want to know how awesome it is, turn it off once you have been playing with it for a while! :) ... Oh, what the hell happened?! ;)

EDIT: It seems like Dynamic Presence 'loosens things up' and brings out really interesting harmonics it kinda' smooths things over too and gives you a really interesting 'vowel' type growl that's very cool. It's hard to explain these things, just try it and I think you will be impressed!
I will say this, at first i tried playing some individual notes, turning it up and down, and so on. Wasn't hearing much. Then I did as you. I turned it up, hammed for a bit, ten minutes or so, and then turned it down. Wow. Really noticeable. And very good effect. Think I'll play with it up for, maybe only a bit longer until I get hungry. I never knew much about the transformers in my amp, lol. Just shows you. I guess it was like driving a time machine car without knowing how important the _________ (fill in blank) is.

IMHO this is great for reaching a wider range of tone; for e.g. if you want to use the neck pickup, but punctuate that cooler sound with some spiciness.
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Uploaded but can't try till tomorrow! Coming from Q 2.01 and not sure what to expect but sure Cliff has done 'it' yet again! Thanks FAS!
Tried to update, it gave me a transfer error and flashed back to Q2.04.

Check you have downloaded the correct firmware version. This can happen easily! :) I suggest download it again and try with the newer file.
Have installed this update with my XL and it sounds great! I use the AC20 mainly with the Fractal 4x12 GB M160 cab (#60) and you can hear there is more shine/clarity when increasing the Dynamic Presence.

It adds a certain bit of life to the sound which you didn't realise was there until you remove it. I'm going to be using the Dynamic Presence dialled up around the 7 - 8 mark for my main patch and see how that fits in when playing live.

Thanks FAS! :)
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