Axe-FX II Preset Report Generator


Power User
Hey all,

A few days ago, there was a request on TGP by a member who wanted to generate a printed report of his Axe-FX patches for filing and reference.

I thought it was a neat idea, and seeing as I am already creating some back end database collections for my AxePad development, I thought I would create a little Windows app that would read in an Axe-FX SYX file and generate a printed PDF report of the settings.

No cost for this - I am releasing it to all Axe-FX users at no charge, mainly as a way of saying 'Thanks' to everyone for supporting AxePad so well.

Some screenshots:



A sample PDF report can be downloaded here:

Application can be downloaded here:

It's only for Windows I am afraid, no Macs or Linux.. No warranty or responsibility taken for anything that explodes! :lol

Simply unzip the files into a folder on your hard drive and run AxeReporter.EXE

You can also drag and drop SYX files onto the program window to instantly interpret them. Only works for SINGLE preset files, NOT blocks! Oh, and Only works for Axe-FX II presets only, latest firmware - won't work on Gen 1 presets...

Have fun!
The PDF seems to match the second image in your post, not the image that is in the PDF itself. Is that correct?
The PDF seems to match the second image in your post, not the image that is in the PDF itself. Is that correct?

LOL! First bug found... I've just uploaded a patch which will fix this issue now. If I get time, I will change the PDF sample, but I am suffering serious sleep deprivation at the moment! :)
Just ordered Axe-Pad...will this program work on a mac? Thanks for all you do, brother. I am patiently waiting for my midi device to arrive...
The Anatomy of a Preset!

I made the request. I was looking for a way to better decode the preset architecture and to keep better track of changes. The screen editor doesn't show everything and I have to keep too many things in my head. Excellent first effort! The anatomy of a preset. Its amazing, and a little daunting, when you see all the parameters that make a sound. Clearly they are not all important and some filter options might help down the road to refinement. A couple of quick suggestions. Get rid of the black background for the matrix. It just eats black toner and on my laser printer obscures the colored pedals so its harder to make out whats in the box. Reducing the spacing between lines will reduce the page count. Perhaps double space between pedal modules but no space between rows of parameters. Anyway its a great effort and much appreciated. It helps!
Is it suppose to give you the settings or just a graphical pict of the chain? That's all I get.

EDIT: Works great-didn't realize I had to scroll - duh-Thanks, very useful.
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I don't know how much I'd use this, but its a hell of a lot cooler than I thought that it would be. I only wish that I had these types of skills.

Thanks for taking the time to put this together and share it with us! :)
Wow, thanks! I could've used it this last weekend... when I got to the gig on Friday I realized I'd overwritten one of my main patches when I was in Axe Edit (must've hit save when the Axe itself was on a different preset). Not to worry though, I have a backup. Anyway, I didn't feel like disconnecting everything to bring the Axe home between gigs, and didn't feel like writing down all the settings or bringing my laptop on Saturday, so I just used a different preset. Fortunately it was my main Plexi patch and wasn't one that had specialized settings for a specific song! But thanks to you, now I could've just brought the PDF.
The app throws an exception when I try to open a preset. Running Win Vista Biz 32bit;

Exception occurred at address 0101B17E
Exception code C0000005: Access Violation
Process PID=2256 Image: F:\AxeFX Reporter\AxeFXReporter\AxeFXReporter.exe
Thread 1 Handle=000000B8 TID=1928

EAX=00E51128 EBX=00F6B784 ECX=00000014 EDX=00000020
ESI=00E510E0 EDI=00000014 EBP=0012FD0C ESP=0012FC7C
EIP=0101B17E FLG=00010206

Call Stack:
Thanks for all the kind feedback everyone - I'll make some small tweaks and improvements if I get time this week and re-upload the app. Nice to see that it proves useful to some.

To quickly answer some of the questions here - This program won't work on a Mac I am afraid. I was too busy to create a cross platform solution, so reverted to my 'native' language of Win32 development! ;) Also, ianx, I've sent you a PM, but please be aware everyone that this will only work on Axe II presets. If you try and feed it a Standard/Ultra preset, it could likely cause a GPF. I might have to build in a bit more error checking to ensure that invalid files are handled gracefully.

I get a similar error to ianx, I'm running Vista.

Cyber, when you said it only works on the latest firmware, did you mean 6.02?
I get a similar error to ianx, I'm running Vista.

Cyber, when you said it only works on the latest firmware, did you mean 6.02?

Well, I've only tested it with 6.0+ presets. As far as I know though, the structure of the SYX files hasn't changed since v1.0 of the Axe-FX II came out, so technically it SHOULD work on ALL firmware versions of the Axe-II.

Definitely won't work on Standard/Ultra presets though, as those SYX files are radically different.

I'd appreciate it if anyone who is experiencing crashes can email me their SYX files so I can test of edge cases here. My email is:

devan (AT) axe-pad DOT com

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