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Anyone have any luck with the rectifier models?

What he said. Try puting the low res freq at 109, the Q at 2.0 and the low freq res at 5.83. This is what is was in Q1.06 and what I'm using now. Sounds SOOOOOOO damn good and makes all the difference. Probably the best tone I've ever heard ever. I can upload my preset if you care enough or you can just plug those numbers in.

I just tried these settings on my Recto1 Modern preset. Noticeably clearer/tighter sounding, less mushy on the bottom end and palm mutes. Awesome.

I did turn down the Low freq res to 5.00 though, as it was a bit 'resonate-y' on palm mutes with it at 5.83.

I'm using a real cab though. Its a Mesa V30, but in a non-mesa 1x12, so I don't know what any of the specs are.
That sounds fucking fantastic! Care to share the patch or particulars on how you got that blistering wall of sound? Two tracks panned L/R I assume?

Thanks, stink. Yes, two tracks panned L/R. One has a bit of chorus, the other without.

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I have mostly play a Mark IV and I can get it to sound basically identical to my real Mark IV but the rectifier models sounds so buzzy and tubby. I have a dual and a triple rectifier so I know that they have the quality to them but the real amps I can dial to sound decent but I can't do anything with the models in the Axe Fx. On the real amp I put a parametric eq before the amp set at 90hz and remove some low end but when I try to do that in the Axe I can't get anywhere near it. I can't get it to sound remotely like the real amp. Any one use them and have any feedback? Maybe I am missing something?
The only way I have ever been able to get any of the Rectifier models to sound tight was to add a Tube Screamer block in front and severely reduce the bass using pre tone controls, bass cut switch AND the GEQ. Because of that, I tend to not use them and stick with the Mark models since they require very little tweaking to get an ultra-tight tone.
I typically run a LP filter after the amp block with the low end boosted between +5 db and +12 db, with a cutoff about 200hz. At least with my poweramp/cab I do. That seems to help bring some of the hugeness. I have compared it to the real amp many times, and can generally get it very similar sounding. Biggest difference I would say, is the real amp has a little more of that dynamic depth punch to it in the lows. More volume helps with that though. I am on Q1.06 BTW.

I usually compare it to my 2-Channel Triple Recto though. I wish Cliff would add Triple Rectos also, because there are small, but noticeable, differences between the Dual and Triple.
It's never been hard to get really great tone out of Recto models when turning the MV down. When making a preset with the Modern Red I always start first with turning the Master down to 2.0, and sometimes it goes even lower. Things get flubby quickly on these models so this is absolutely key. I personally use a boost pedal in front of it as well, but turning the bass knob down as well as MV like I said can get it pretty tight sounding as well.
Those settings are based on the "Traditional" or whatever they call the smaller cab. The new values are based on the Oversize. Perhaps I should put them back to the old values. I've been contemplating putting a parameter on the Speaker page from which you can select any of the cabs that we've captured data. I think we've got about data on about 30 or so cabs.
This would be a huge value add, IMHO
Those settings are based on the "Traditional" or whatever they call the smaller cab. The new values are based on the Oversize. Perhaps I should put them back to the old values. I've been contemplating putting a parameter on the Speaker page from which you can select any of the cabs that we've captured data. I think we've got about data on about 30 or so cabs.

This sounds perfect to me! Please do this.
Those settings are based on the "Traditional" or whatever they call the smaller cab. The new values are based on the Oversize. Perhaps I should put them back to the old values. I've been contemplating putting a parameter on the Speaker page from which you can select any of the cabs that we've captured data. I think we've got about data on about 30 or so cabs.

That's a great idea. Feel free to send me a Fractal T-shirt for inspiring such a good idea. :D
Rectifier amps are naturally on the tubby and buzzy side. Their bass response is hard to tame with some guitars. There are better amp choices if you want tight, focused gain.

Kim used a Tremoverb I believe which is basically an original 2 channel Rectifier with reverb and tremolo. You can hear the slight tubby and wooly quality throughout. Works great in that song's mix though.

Raising the low cut parameter really helps a lot in tightening up the response, particularly with bass heavy guitars. Cuts out a lot of the flub. Then add the beef back post gain with the graphic EQ or cab proximity. Don't go too high on the master on the recto models either. They get wooly pretty easily.
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