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1 week with Fm9...might stick with Fm3


I've had my Fm9 for a week or so, used it at church this past week. Sound wise, I can't tell a difference between it at the Fm3. I'm starting to think I'll just stick with the Fm3/Fc6 combo and save money. I don't max out my presets, and with the 3/6, I can pair down to a smaller footprint for times when I don't need all the switch options. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Fm9, and the extra outputs are nice. Just thinking it's an expense I might not really need. Decisions, decisions.
Given your use case Im surprised you even bothered getting a FM9. If you dont need the extra CPU or in\outs over the FM3 then theres little benefit in changing. They were never going to sound different.
Given your use case Im surprised you even bothered getting a FM9. If you dont need the extra CPU or in\outs over the FM3 then theres little benefit in changing. They were never going to sound different.
I think I got excited for dual amps, even though I haven't really used them yet. And shinny new have me GAS. Lol
Not gonna lie, I'd do the reverse. Keep the FM9, sell the FM3 & FC6. For P&W, you could definitely take advantage of those dual reverb blocks operating on their own core in ultra mode. That leaves you room for a lot of other effects to add to your presets. Maybe you don't really need this today, but if there is a chance you might... you'd be ready for it. Good luck on whatever you do!
Not gonna lie, I'd do the reverse. Keep the FM9, sell the FM3 & FC6. For P&W, you could definitely take advantage of those dual reverb blocks operating on their own core in ultra mode. That leaves you room for a lot of other effects to add to your presets. Maybe you don't really need this today, but if there is a chance you might... you'd be ready for it. Good luck on whatever you do!
I too would choose the FM9 over the FM3 + FC6 combo. Same size, but more to offer. Even if you don't use now, you can down the road.
I'm choosing FM3 (2 of them) over the FM9 for now. Other people can do what they
gonna do. We all have different needs. You do you. :)
Care to share or post a link to how you are using 2 FM3? I’ve seen this mentioned throughout the forum and I’m interested to hear more about how it’s used exactly.
Fm9 has its own pros (CPU..) but FM3 and FC6 are more handy for gigs when you have make choice on space available in your bag and at your feet too.
Small gigs with just classic tones = FM3
Big venues and/or complex guitar tones to play = FM3+FC6

I usually play at the top of the slopes of ski resorts, accessed only by snowmobile and I am more than happy to be switched from AX8 to FM3
I've had my Fm9 for a week or so, used it at church this past week. Sound wise, I can't tell a difference between it at the Fm3. I'm starting to think I'll just stick with the Fm3/Fc6 combo and save money. I don't max out my presets, and with the 3/6, I can pair down to a smaller footprint for times when I don't need all the switch options. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Fm9, and the extra outputs are nice. Just thinking it's an expense I might not really need. Decisions, decisions.
If you do end up selling it, I'll buy it if you sell it for list price or below.
If you don't need a reverb block, the FM3 can handle enormous presets. I still discover how much is possible between channels, scenes, scene controllers, external Controllers, midi and expression pedals, perform pages and per preset buttons. The sky seems to be the limit. It's just incredible...
Nothing wrong with that. If it suits you, it suits you. There are many, I’m sure, who’ll happily reimburse you for the FM9. I’m thinking about adding an FM3 down the road to back up my Axe Fx III… everyone has their own needs.

Do what works for you.
If you don't need a reverb block, the FM3 can handle enormous presets. I still discover how much is possible between channels, scenes, scene controllers, external Controllers, midi and expression pedals, perform pages and per preset buttons. The sky seems to be the limit. It's just incredible...

I offloaded my verbs to a Strymon Big Sky, which saved a ton of DSP on FM3.
I've had my Fm9 for a week or so, used it at church this past week. Sound wise, I can't tell a difference between it at the Fm3. I'm starting to think I'll just stick with the Fm3/Fc6 combo and save money. I don't max out my presets, and with the 3/6, I can pair down to a smaller footprint for times when I don't need all the switch options. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Fm9, and the extra outputs are nice. Just thinking it's an expense I might not really need. Decisions, decisions.
There is a sound difference if you were using low res reverbs and std res ir in the 3 then make everything max res on the 9. That is where I found the difference. Is that difference alone worth it? Possible not. I am keeping my 3 for places where stage is small or I need to back a little lighter and the 9 as my main set it. If you can stick with the 3 and be happy. That is awesome
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