Search results for query: "Fractal Audio AMP models"

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  1. W

    Axe Fx II vs FM3 (Quantum 8 vs Cygnus X-3 Audio Comparison)

    Oh interesting, thanks for the correction! Do you know what parts are different? Is the Axe Fx III amp algorithm more precise while the FM3/FM9 cut some corners? I’d love to read about it if there’s any official info available. My assumption was based on the model comparison page on the...
  2. D

    Props to the Cornfed!

    Based on the Cornford MK50 II, which I have zero experience with. Everything I know is from @yek's write-up
  3. A

    How was the JMP-1 Modeled?
  4. levipeto

    Your current fav Marshallesque amps?
  5. francis

    Missing Amps?

    here it is.
  6. York Audio

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #2

    I think I had this in the back of my mind: Either way, it sounds good. The Rev F tends to have a little more midrange character than the Rev G. Bumping up the Variac parameter a...
  7. lastcaress83

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #2

    According to Cliff it’s a rev F, explains why it sounds so close.
  8. Adman103

    Cliff's favorite amps?

    In the wiki, it says that at one point Cliff called the Carol Ann Tucana one of the best amps in the world (in his opinion). Check it out: Tucana Wiki Page The Tucana is a great amp, both the model and real thing.
  9. sumitagarwal

    Highest gain non-modded Plexi?

    Brit Super is actually a take on the modded Appetite for Destruction amp:
  10. U

    Which presets are best for a telecaster

    Keith Urban is phenomenal, but he’s not the singular point of reference for the entire genre.
  11. OrganicZed

    Which presets are best for a telecaster

    Wasn't Keith Urban formerly a FAS artist? I believe one of his personal amps is modeled (the 5F8 high power Fender Twin).
  12. TheRedDevil

    Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp and Stereo Simul 295 Stereo: AC/DC Angus Young Live at Donington 1991 sound with AXE FX

    Dear members, since 30 years I work on the my favorite AC/DC Angus Young sound based on plexis. I always prefered the Live at Donington 1991 sound and learned from this forum / japanese magazine article that...
  13. Greg Ferguson

    What’s your choice of Amp model(s) with best “feel under the fingers” ?

    The ODS-100 factory preset is great on stage. The "Ford" scene works wonderfully for blues, rock, pop all by controlling it from the guitar, and that particular model is supposed to be based on the schematic for Ford's Dumble. It'll go from clean to a clear and compressed sound just from the...
  14. Shahar

    USA Lead Mid Gain vs USA Pre Models

    You’re right, I thought the empty entries correspond to the amp after it, its before.
  15. ApocalypticKatana

    USA Lead Mid Gain vs USA Pre Models

    I’m not sure how you’re coming to that conclusion , it’s under the USA Lead name so it’s the Mark IV See here from yek: USA PRE LD… is the Triaxis’s lead channels Maybe...
  16. Habuman

    Whats the best CAB to use on the AX8 for Guns and Roses UYI sound?

    Might find some helpful info from this:
  17. yek

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release
  18. yek

    Fractal Audio AMP Models: Revv (based on Revv Generator 120)

    Up-to-date information will be available in Yek's Guide to the Fractal Audio Amplifier Models, whenever that gets updated. REVV: based on Revv Generator 120 The world of guitar amplification is a traditional one. A lot of the brands from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s are still around and occupy...
  19. ectoplasm88

    Solid State amps, are they going to be here someday?

    They already have one the Jazz 120 is modeled on the Roland Jazz Chorus which is solid state.
  20. Greg Ferguson

    Recommendations for an Amp Model that works for clean, crunch and lead

    What style of music are you playing? A good, all-around amp is the ODS-100, especially the “Ford” scene. Check out the factory preset by the same name, “ODS-100”. Turn it up so it is pushing some air. The Amp Models List in the Wiki and Yek’s write up linked there are good, along with the...
  21. David Peretz

    Has Fractal Audio's amp algorithm ever been verified by "Null test"?

    What good will come from knowing it nulled or not? Does it make the axefx better or worse? Did you ever herd two guitarrs sound identical to null? I used to consult in making audio products developed for giant audio companies and software. sometimes i would tell them that this plugins sounded...
  22. R

    Has Fractal Audio's amp algorithm ever been verified by "Null test"?

    IMO, comparing a Fractal unit to the amp it’s modeling, especially older handwired amps like Plexis and Bassmans is kind of useless. The main reason is because the model is based on Fractal’s reference amp and may sound a little different than other Plexis for example because Marshall never made...
  23. km 202257

    Has Fractal Audio's amp algorithm ever been verified by "Null test"?

    This is just out of my pure curiosity, so feel free to delete this thread if it's an inappropriate topic here. I see some of amp modelers are verified by "Null test" for its identicality to the real counterpart. The idea of "Null test" is to record 1.the signal from the original amp and 2. the...
  24. Habuman

    SLO. Anybody digging this model? Am I missing the point?

    Also, here is a thread with lots of Soldano info:
  25. cole lewis

    Wish Ampeg VH140C“block-letter”-evh-5150-peavey-6505.114607/
  26. Hitoshi Kato

    AFIII How to turn on / replicate SAT switch on Friedman model?

    Hi, I read through this thread and I understand now AXE III Friedman model has SAT switch. I strongly believe saturation function under preamp session is the equivalent one...
  27. rushfan

    Clapton using Dumble ODS

    Not necessarily, but they might be close. This is due to the tolerances of component parts in physical amplifiers having some variances, so no two actual physical amplifiers at the same settings sound exactly the same, but you might get in the ballpark, and then tweak it from there. Also...
  28. Hellbat

    Plexi 1987x info

    The 1987x in the axe is I believe a 90's re-issue. I'm not sure if the newer ones have a different circuit or not, but maybe in later years they made it closer to the original plexi and that's why the plexi 50 watt sounds closer for you? According to Yek's write-up on it, it was darker than the...
  29. JasonB5232

    What is the manufacturing model name of the Plexi 50W Normal in the axe3?
  30. Fjelltronen

    Difference PVH 6160 block lead to PVH 6160+ ?

    I regularly have to remind myself...
  31. laxu

    Mesa Lonestar model voicing switch?

    So the Mesa Lonestar is one of my favorite amps in real life and as a digital model. However, Fractal does not model the normal/thick/thicker voicing switch on the drive channel. What would be the best way to replicate this? I tried to look through the Wiki but people asking this on Yek's...
  32. B

    Now that I have hundreds of amps at my fingertips...I need to learn how to use them better. What are good learning references?

    It would also be cool to have the whole forum go over one amp every week, but as users are not in sync, you can kinda do that by adding to the threads yek made about a bunch of the models... Like, add anything to it that is related...
  33. Chromatizm


    The best I've found is and Unfortunaly, this advice won't work with FM3:
  34. bleujazz3

    Dad Jokes

    IIRC, the EJ Clean is 091, (correction: 095). EJ Clean uses a Santiago 2x12 & Double Verb 2x12 cab. I liked the Pre-Rola GB 4x12 with numerous amps, but the application may not work for your needs. I'd not be bummed out if they don't work, but sometimes something that is counter-intuitive is...
  35. DaveO

    Dad Jokes

    38 I believe it is a Robben Ford tribute patch bank, browsing patches the other night it caught my ear with a crispy clean patch then had other's w/really smooth overdriven banks labeled Ford1 Ford~ etc. Amp used is an ODS-100 clean, (See Yuk's link) not familiar with it is but its consistent...
  36. O

    default cabinets for each amp

    Thank you! I alread know this guide, but I thought there was an option on Fractal to pick the default cab automatically. This is a thing I would like to see.
  37. yek

    default cabinets for each amp Guide to the Fractal Audio Amp models (PDF)
  38. danielworks

    Yeks guide to the Fractal audio amp models - Update ?

    It would be really good if we had an update on this guide, since the last version was from April 2017. I would love to help if needed ;) (even that my English is not good)
  39. Rex

    Why is the 65 bassguy so great?

    If you want amp history, you need to check out yek's Guide to the Fractal Audio Amp Models. here's a Cliff quote from the guide:
  40. D

    Any database to sort through amps, pedals, presets, …?

    I totally agree about the features side, read and learn and try to make it do what you want. But for amp tones, you can do that some, but really, TRY STUFF!!! No manual or video is going to tell you how you'll feel about the Nuclear Tone (Swart) on 8 with your tele.
  41. Greg Ferguson

    Any database to sort through amps, pedals, presets, …?

    In each of the modelers’ manuals, Fractal says this: Here’s the problem… We don’t know what your lexicon is, what things you know and what words you use to describe them, so finding meaningful words to describe things to you results in a task for us that is too big and undefined. We do...
  42. Greg Ferguson

    The 300th amp model?!

    We have the existing Lonestar models, both the clean and lead channels which I used to make a preset to model my Lonestar Special. It sounds really close.
  43. OrganicZed

    AFIII Toto Rosanna Solo/CA3+ Preset

    The CA3+ is modeled on the Custom Audio Amplifiers 3+ SE preamp. The OD100 amplifier came later and was essentially the preamp turned into an amp head.
  44. Greg Ferguson

    Electro-Voice PXM-12MP report

    Starting with the manual in section 4, regarding FRFR: There's the Wiki: Modelers and FRFR go together like peas and carrots.
  45. bleujazz3

    Fractal U

    If that's the case for many of us who are players, not electrical engineers steeped in circuit design, it might be helpful for those with limited electronics backgrounds to have the opportunity to learn a lower-level course curriculum... For example, what you might learn in a 6-week community...
  46. yek

    Fractal U

    All advanced parameters represent real-life electricity, electronics and physics. An audio clip says nothing if you haven't got a slight grasp of what the parameters represent. They are described in the manual and Tech Notes. "You can’t really use the advanced parameters for their intended...
  47. Smittefar

    Matchless Independence?

    The matchless Chieftain would also be worth a try
  48. Greg Ferguson

    cannot find a bass amp model on 5.01

    The Amp list is your starting point, but the Wiki's Amplifier models list is where you go to get the real information, and after reading the description there, follow the link to Yek's page about that amp because there's even more information. Here's a few: 225 SV BASS 1 (Ampeg SVT bass amp)...
  49. S

    Some differences between real JP2C and AxeFx models?

    @Postretro, you might be on to something. I do remember that that I plugged into the fx loop return of the real JP2C amp (after disabling the power amp modeling in the AxeFx). This DID SOUND extremely good. However, since the power amp section is modeled in the AxeFX, I didn't think that would...
  50. Postretro

    Some differences between real JP2C and AxeFx models?

    The Power Tube Bias on a Mesa Boogie is not adjustable. Because of that, Mesa Boogie uses a colder bias to avoid overheating power tubes. Every set of new tubes, even tubes of the same brand and model will have a different bias point. Mesa Boogie roughly categorizes their tubes by the bias...
  51. BornIntoAttitude

    JMPre-1 OD adjustable passive tone stack

    “The Axe-Fx model of the JMP-1 is "better" in the sense that the tone controls control the tone stack rather than a graphic EQ. You then have the separate graphic EQ to further tailor the sound.” Yek’s write up must be mistaken then. EDIT: I just realized you were talking about the Brit Pre...
  52. ApocalypticKatana

    CAE 3+ SE channel reference amplifier?

    Anyone know what the channel’s of the CAE 3+SE channels are based on on? I only see this info Thread 'Fractal Audio AMP models: CA3+ (Custom Audio Amplifiers 3+ SE)' But want to see if...
  53. scottp

    Latest Version of Yeks Guide to the Fractal Audio Amp Models?

    I can find revision April 2017 for Quantum 7.02, Is there a newer version? Thanks
  54. frankenbeans

    Pairing Pedals with Amps and Cabs

    Tube Pre is a model in the Amp Block.
  55. Greg Ferguson

    1959SLP without power amp modeling ques

    A Plexi-style amp needs to be turned up to get power-amp distortion. My guess is your tube power-amp isn’t running loud enough to provide it, so you need to use power-amp modeling to compensate. If you can get the tube power-amp loud enough you will find it starting to get thicker sounding and...
  56. ruso

    Plz Describe Friedman Amps

    Beat me to it. Yek’s threads are 🤟
  57. fromthebark

    Plz Describe Friedman Amps

    this should help
  58. Greg Ferguson

    Marshall Note Decay Sizzle

    Read "1959SLP JUMPED (100W Marshall Super Lead Plexi 1959 reissue)" especially #2 or Yek's write up about it.
  59. la szum

    Just got my FM3 !

    Yek's Amp Guide is a magnificent resource while you contemplate your next move. :)
  60. bleujazz3

    FM9 & HX/DA Tone?

    Ah. Found Yek's Guide to Fractal Audio Amp Models. This will help somewhat. Any additional specific info would be helpful as well...
  61. unix-guy

    Coil split wiring with switch?

    "pots" :) You do realize this is a forum for users of Fractal Audio Amp modeling hardware, right? There just happens to be a sub-forum for guitars... You'll still probably find help, though. Just wanted to mention that as you just joined and this isn't a typical first post on this forum ;)
  62. Greg Ferguson

    Bassbreaker-esque Tones

    A JTM-45 is very close to a Bassman, and was designed from that circuit. Marshall used components that were more easily found in England, like different tubes and transformers. Listen to the Dweezil Bassguy factory preset and check out Yek's write up.
  63. TSJMajesty

    Wish Will we ever get more bass amps/effects?

    Yeah, I know. I'll certainly pass on those links (trying to talk a friend into buying himself at least an FM9) to my bud. But the question just came to mind, and I figured someone would just answer it real quick here. And I was right, if not a bit lazy. ;)
  64. Greg Ferguson

    Wish Will we ever get more bass amps/effects?

    It's good to be familiar with and =61&c[title_only]=1&c[user][0]=10160&o=date']Yek's write-ups, in particular SV Bass.
  65. SimonGotthelf

    Rundown of my "Whassup" preset based on the Comet 60 model (Free preset included)

    Yes true, I still do (Those are old old videos 😂 had not seen them in a while) I have a great relationship with Komet. They are awesome guys. I have their brand new amp coming soon to demo. I asked them a couple of years ago how they would feel about me doing some digital profiles/preset of...
  66. S

    Rundown of my "Whassup" preset based on the Comet 60 model (Free preset included)

    I looked up the demo's of the Komet 60 amp and lo and behold, guess who's showcasing it?
  67. B

    Ohio - Inventing Geffen

    Thanks. Will do!!
  68. Greg Ferguson

    Ohio - Inventing Geffen

    Check out the Deluxe Tweed based presets such as #59. Also, search the internet for Young's rigs and read @yek's write up and watch the last video linked.
  69. Greg Ferguson

    Picking Loudness

    Or roll the guitar's volume way back and experiment. "Clean up gain with the guitar" in the Wiki is applicable as picking lighter is equivalent to rolling back the guitar's volume, it's reducing the guitar signal to the preamp. Anything that boosts that signal beyond what the preamp or...
  70. Chiguete

    VH Soldano tone and settings help

    The one that replicates the SLO is the Solo 100 and I would think that Eddie used the Lead channel. Also I imagine he just used the head and connected it to the same Marshall cabs that he used with his Marshall heads because as far as I know he only purchased 3 heads from Mike Soldano.
  71. DaveO

    VH Soldano tone and settings help

    I haven't tried this one yet on the FM3 and found Yeks post in a search FYI.. Any idea on what amp and speaker combo model to start with if building from scratch??
  72. W

    Wish Peavey Invective - Killer Amp!

    Well talking about it is always a good first start maybe it will show up in the next update perhaps. My fav amp is the ca-3 in the fm3.
  73. TravisG406

    Axe-Edit interfaces vs. the real deal.

    Here's Yek's write up on the model -
  74. ruso

    Favorite Amp Model For Chicken’ Pickin’?

    So I was messing around with the 5F8-Tweed model today and decided to read up on @yek’s amp guide entry: I came across a few posts from fellow forum members and...
  75. curious

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 8 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #5

    Great stuff. Here's Joe Bonamassa interview going really in depth on Tweed Twin and his speaker choice, settings, etc.
  76. P

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 8 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #5

    Yep, the modeled Tweed Twin 5F8 is based on Keith Urban's amp.
  77. phil92

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 6 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #3

    check out this thread:
  78. State of Epicicity

    Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 6 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta #3

    @FractalAudio Since you're rechecking these amps in person during this beta I'm curious about the CA3+. That's a preamp I've always been interested in, because of the unique tones Dave Mustaine got with it. I read in the yek's model thread several users were unable to replicate the way their...
  79. KornyDjentlemen

    Fortin presets?

    I've read online that the Cali is based on a JCM800 with the Jose mod. There are quite a few threads about the Jose mod on here - from Yek's Brit 800 guide he states: So try starting with that as the amp and feed it directly into the Neural plugin with just the cab emulation on. Do some A/B...
  80. G

    Cygnus Beta - first impressions

    And they used 6L6s before 6550s! EL34s are my personal favorite in the amp overall. I met with their distributor in the early 2000's. He said a well known guitarist was fond of Ruby 6L6's in his amp, and that they were shipping with 6L6s at the time. I tried them and couldn't find that tone on...
  81. JoKeR III

    Cygnus Beta - first impressions

    Depends upon the version/era of the amp. My understanding is the original was 6550 powered, then moved to EL34 and on to the KT77. Yek's write up on the VH4 model used is the earlier 6550 powered model...
  82. Les Paul Rider

    Highly compressed sound on high gain amps

    I think @yek in this post was talking about your settings, the ones I have used the first time. "Cliff’s guidelines to dial in the IIC+: These were my settings for a killer high-gain...
  83. Les Paul Rider

    Highly compressed sound on high gain amps

    Thanks for taking the time to test my preset, I have set my guitar input so low, because at 16 percent with an Em it hits red, but I definitely play with all the levels again, including this one. Thanks for the link.
  84. A

    Highly compressed sound on high gain amps

    I tried your preset with my EMG loaded guitar. I wasn't able to get the cab working, but I used a stock cab that is very close. It was a 1960A G12M from RW. I had to turn the output block down to -17. What you need to turn it down to may very well differ. I definitely agree with trying a...
  85. DLC86

    Real JP2C vs Axe-Fx 3 sim comparison

    @Nomakills be sure to check also yek's amp models guide, it's a treasure of infos.
  86. T

    Recording Bass through FM3

    One tip I've got or one that I tend to use a lot is blending a parallel chain without the amp in the mix as well (either separate outputs or blended). I normally throw a separate EQ on the "dry" line. I love the Citrus Bass amp inside the FM3. It's not for everyone but its an interesting color...
  87. Petrocelli

    Not a Bug Jazz 120 volume too low

    Tried The JazzChorus with init Amp settings. These are: Gain: 5; Master: 3; Level: -12; so Volume is way to low (Using the Preset leveling Tool, i have to turn Level to 0dB, but it sounds not like a Jazz Chorus, the sound has a light crunch in it. When i turn the Master Volume up to 10 (as you...
  88. Rex

    Where are the PRESETS THAT SOUND as REAL & BIG as Steve Stevens "ATOMIC PLAYBOY'?

    +1 on @austinbuddy 's LiveGold Tone Pack. Lots of wonderful and very realistic presets there. But let's take it a bit further. What's in Steve Stevens' preset that makes it so good? The core of the tone in that preset is embodied in scene 1. It's very simple — just an Amp block, a Cab block...
  89. unix-guy

    Not a Bug Jazz 120 volume too low

    What is the Master Volume set to? I seem to recall this coming up relative to Axe Fx III and it's because the MV is defaulting to 5 instead of 10 and it's non-MV. I did a quick search of the wiki and yek's amp guide, which says this...
  90. sluice

    FM3 Status Update

    I think he meant it would be nice to finally get the Archon in the FM3. :)
  91. Greg Ferguson

    FM3 Status Update
  92. Rain

    Cabinets that matches well with 5150/6160
  93. yek

    Soldano SLO 30?

    Why do you think that? There are no Fractal Audio amp models which are based on the SLO 30.
  94. yek

    Fractal Audio AMP models: Archean (based on PRS Archon)

    Up-to-date information will be available in Yek's Guide to the Fractal Audio Amplifier Models, whenever that gets updated. ARCHEAN: based on PRS Archon PRS is Paul Reed Smith's company, which is most famous for its wonderful guitars. Years ago PRS expanded its team and started building...
  95. notalemming

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.00
  96. 2112

    Friedman Dirty Shirley suggestions?
  97. Callan

    Friedman Dirty Shirley model?

    More info here
  98. EricP1954

    Fractal Audio AMP models: Fryette D60 (Fryette Deliverance 60H)

    Steve Fryette is a great amp builder and he is very knowledgeable. He and I have been friends going on ten years! I bought a Memphis amp second hand from a music shop and took it in for servicing. I've spent many happy hours in his shop talking gear and music in general!
  99. Piing

    Wish Seagull effect as on the song "Echoes" by Pink Floyd

    Free Echoes seagul preset by @DLC86 here:
  100. Moke

    Amp and Effect List?

    @yek's Amp guide
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