Zoom FP02M expression pedal


I thought I would try this compact and inexpensive expression pedal. It doesn't have a lot of travel range, about 1" (25mm ) in total.

No matter what I do I can't get the FM3 to calibrate this pedal, it only goes through about half of the range on the modifier menu.

Has anyone had luck using this pedal? What did you have to do to calibrate it?


this pedal uses a TS cable and jack. the fractal units use a more standard TRS connection, so this pedal isn't compatible.
this pedal uses a TS cable and jack. the fractal units use a more standard TRS connection, so this pedal isn't compatible.
No it's TRS. I put the multimeter over it. It has about a 100k Ohms pot, with the tip and sleeve connected to each end of the pot and the ring connected to the wiper.

In one direction of travel there is about 6 ohms of residual resistance (ring to sleeve) and at the other end there is about 64 Ohms of residual resistance (ring to tip) so maybe the FM3 doesn't cope well with residual resistance at the end of travel?

I would have thought that calibration would sort that out?
Sweetwater says it comes with a TS cable...

The manufacturer website merely says "1/4 inch cable".

No manual, no specs...

A typical expression pedal using TRS has a "balanced" resistance so that as it goes up on one side it goes down on the other.

So if it's a 100k ohm pot and one side is 75k the other is 25k, or 55k and 45k.
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