Your chance to make me buy an AXE FX II!


I'm a guitarist and a bassist. Now, guitar-wise I know I'm definitely covered. The Axe FX is an endless sea of possibilities. But can it do everything on bass, too? I'm not too sure. That's why I would need a demonstration of a song that I will have to be able to cover with the unit.

Basically; it's just the Digitech Bass Whammy harmony part of a Tool song, Disposition. It's a 5th up / 1 up harmony setting with a Digital Delay @ 330ms.

Pretty simple: (the Whammy part is on 1:25)
TOOL- Disposition Bass Cover Hi Def - YouTube

All you have to do is demonstrate that on an AXE FX II and you've sold me one! Now, who likes a challenge? 8)
Why should we sell it to you?
List a great unit, does what it says on the tin.
It has a demo period.
Try one for yourself, only then will you know.
Cause that's what you love doing!

Actually I don't.

And from the
Fractal website:
All products sold by Fractal Audio come with a 15-day money-back satisfaction guarantee. Please read our return policy. You may not buy and return the same product more than once. All products also come with a 1-year warranty against defects."
So there is a way to try it in the Us and in Europe G66 have similar.

Take the plunge, you won't be dissapointed
Moderator Edit: No personal insults please /edit

I was just hoping that someone would be able to demonstrate the harmony pitch gliding on a bass; how it tracks, does it warble, what kind of feel it has to it? Compared to the Digitech whammy pedals. I can't use a Digitech whammy live, since the original pedals that have the 5th/1 setting that I need, tend to suck all the tone since they don't have true bypass. And I don't have anyone near me who'd have an AXE FX II so I could fiddle around with it myself, so the only reasonable place to ask for such a demonstration would be right here on this forum. Anyone?

EDIT: Ok, the 15-day moneyback explains. However, I'm only getting to buy it at the end of summer(I'm temporarily living in UK), which is why I'd love such a demonstration now!:p But yeah, I can understand if you don't feel like doing one.
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Perhaps asking the question the way you just did was the key to getting support here. Rather than convince me to buy one, I think that rubs people up the wrong way, and amkes it sond like we all owe you something or we are being ordered to answer your question.
simpley asking, "how does it sound doing this", or "can it do that" will get you better results.

Unfortunately I don't have a bass so can't try it for you, hopefully someone can.
All you have to do is demonstrate that on an AXE FX II and you've sold me one! Now, who likes a challenge? 8)

Ohhhhhh I see! You want us to figure something out for you to convince you to spend your money...NOW I get it!!

I have a better idea. Get the unit and show us how it's done. I'd love for you to do that for us.
I'm a guitarist and a bassist. Now, guitar-wise I know I'm definitely covered. The Axe FX is an endless sea of possibilities. But can it do everything on bass, too? I'm not too sure. That's why I would need a demonstration of a song that I will have to be able to cover with the unit.

Basically; it's just the Digitech Bass Whammy harmony part of a Tool song, Disposition. It's a 5th up / 1 up harmony setting with a Digital Delay @ 330ms.

Pretty simple: (the Whammy part is on 1:25)
TOOL- Disposition Bass Cover Hi Def - YouTube

All you have to do is demonstrate that on an AXE FX II and you've sold me one! Now, who likes a challenge? 8)

Yes the axe can do that, provided you have a compatible expression pedal. However, this forum is not for "selling" you something. This is a community of users, not salesmen and it's offensive that you expect us to convince you to purchase something. Frankly, I don't care whether you buy one or not. It doesn't effect me in any way.
I take it you've already seen seedoftheday's YT clip of the Tool type bass preset (with 5 scenes)?

The 'whammy' settings you need are definitely capable in the Axe ... and all internal and digital signal, so no tone sucking probs.

You should be sorted ok with the Axe I think (for guitar and bass) .... I'm not a bassist if I can help it, but it sounds pretty 'Toolish' in the vid to me
Velokki, FWIW, I'm a bassist that uses the Axefx (ultra and II). I also have been playing since 2006 in a Tool tribute band. The effect you are talking about at 1:25 is whammy type pitch shift that is easily obtainable on the AxeFx.

Honestly, this is not a rocket science effect for the AxeFx to achieve, but does take a bit of knowledge to program properly in conjunction with a capable MIDI pedal. The AxeFx can do this and a whole lot more without breaking a sweat. However, YOU might break a sweat once you see the vast capabilities for special effects and routing. If you're a complex FX and routing junkie (to cop Justin Chancellor in a TOOL trib, I am sort of forced to be, though I've always been interested in such things), the AxeFx is THE ONLY comprehensive choice for an all in one rack unit that is capable of pulling off this kind of crazy stuff. Trust me on this.

as we are enjoying family time today, I'm not sure if or when i will have time to put together a recording, as I have a busy full time day gig plus rehearsals and gigs with 2 bands, and don't really have a home recording set up to speak of. But if I get a few moments I'll see what I can do. Short of that, all I can say is that functionally, it is usually the AxeFx limited by the user's skill/ability/imagination rather than vice versa. Sonically it is superior, and I get any bass tone I want from the AxeFx (though additional new bass amp models would nice...hint hint).
So let's summarize to date.

We can make demo for a person, who might, if the demo blows him away, buy a II in fall, if he has the money available at that time. In the mean time, we can expect to endure humiliation and penile jokes. Hmmm, I'll pass.

Based on the evidence presented thus far I hope you do not buy, because I don't see a positive outcome for you and certainly not us. Hopefully this is goodbye.
EDIT: (I'm temporarily living in UK), which is why I'd love such a demonstration now!:p

Where in the UK are your staying? If you're near Leeds or the North, you can swing by my place with your bass and try it for yourself. I've persuaded at least 20 people over the last 4 years to buy one.

Damm, I should be on commission...
Don't. Buying a piece of gear for one song or effect, especially a $2100 piece of equipment is a poor choice. Whether or not it does what you want for that one song, it will enhance your sound and improve the majority of your songs, and save your back. Buy it because its a great piece of gear for playing live, not for one song.

wow.... a lot of negative vibes in here....

Velokki - any kind of pitch shifting in real time with a bass if you are playing low notes and shifting upwards will always be difficult
this is because the frequency of very low notes takes longer to detect
you're better off playing an octave up and adding the octave below because it'll track better..
if it's 5ths you're after, I'd add -12 and -5 together so you hear the octave you're playing in, and the octave and 5th below
the Axe's pitch shifting is about as good as it gets when it comes to real-time shifting / harmonising...
pretty sure the negative vibe is in response to the ops 2 posts. I'll sit this one out though...........................
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