Y'all sound so badass


First post w00t! (am I the only one who thinks your confirmation code thingy is hard as hell? and I have great eyes lol)...

I'm about to purchase an Axe-FX. I'm totally blown away by everything I hear/read- a feeling I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir about. Sorry for the noobish question (as I'm sure this has been discussed a thousand times), but I've listened to tons of samples in this forum and if you had to guess, how are most people physically recording them? Direct SPDIF to audio interface to PC? Direct 1/4" output to sound card Line In? Plug the axe into a cab with a poweramp and mic it? That kind of thing.

I always get a little confused with discussions about impedance, and latency and whatnot, but in your educated opinions, how do you all get to sounding so incredibly badass? (post processing and DAWs aside...)

Sorry for the long post but I look forward to your answers! I'm hella excited
I would say 90% of the recorded clips here are direct recordings.
SPDIF or Line out .... should sound almost identical and of course by the time it get's MP3 compressed you can not tell the difference.

I'm going to give you a detailed breakdown of my sophisticated setup...

1. Get in the mood to record something
2. Turn on my Axe-fx and connect the L/R 1/4" connections to my MOTU 24i
3. Start up Sonar 8 PE
4. Bring up a new project file
5. Press record and rock out with my cock out!!!!!!!!!

Welcome!!!! :D
wow. I can't even believe it haha its like the axe is what i've been looking for my whole life! Thanks for the replies everyone! Happy tuesday...
prom3theus said:
but in your educated opinions, how do you all get to sounding so incredibly badass? (post processing and DAWs aside...)
As am pretty sure you're referring to my tones here :lol:, I did not do any processing to the guitar tones I've posted here. Aside from a slight buss compressor and my limiter on the master bus for making stuff frakkin loud.
More or less directly recorded into my DAW. I am not going directly into my audio interface, but that doesn't matter very much, because I use my old Soundtracs Megas console maily for routing things around.
mortega76 said:
I'm going to give you a detailed breakdown of my sophisticated setup...

1. Get in the mood to record something
2. Turn on my Axe-fx and connect the L/R 1/4" connections to my MOTU 24i
3. Start up Sonar 8 PE
4. Bring up a new project file
5. Press record and rock out with my cock out!!!!!!!!!

Welcome!!!! :D

Dude if we ever cross pathes I need to make sure I don't visit your place when your in a recording mood :lol:
mortega76 said:
I'm going to give you a detailed breakdown of my sophisticated setup...

1. Get in the mood to record something
2. Turn on my Axe-fx and connect the L/R 1/4" connections to my MOTU 24i
3. Start up Sonar 8 PE
4. Bring up a new project file
5. Press record and rock out with my cock out!!!!!!!!!

Welcome!!!! :D
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that last part of #5 is *not* how most of us play, either while recording or otherwise... ;)
Frakk... I missed that line!

MO is probably slinging his guitar low (everything else would be über-uncool anyways), so it might not matter that much. Depending on the size, of course...
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