Wish XML Export of Presets


I wanted to get a list of all the amp models used in the factory presets. But unfortunately, I can only export presets in the proprietary sysex (unreadable) format.
All that binary data in a spreadsheet seems really awkward. Hard pass.
Admittedly a specialized need, and not something that would replace the more common ways of viewing and manipulating presets and blocks. But why do you say it is binary data? Ability to export Block-parameter-value columns, + a descriptor key column?
Admittedly a specialized need, and not something that would replace the more common ways of viewing and manipulating presets and blocks. But why do you say it is binary data? Ability to export Block-parameter-value columns, + a descriptor key column?
IRs are definitely binary data, and if I had to bet, I'd guess that preset data is too, in its native form (but I made that up).
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