XL+ External Pedals In FX Loop, DI Recording Question


I've been looking around and haven't been able to find a simple explanation on what I'll have to set up to achieve the following:

1. I want to use the Axe FX II XL+ as my audio interface via USB

2. I want to connect my guitars directly to Input 1 without going through my external pedalboard so I can record DI's for reamping later through a separate output

3. I want to connect my pedals to run in front of or behind the amp block using the FX Loop block per preset

Will there be any issues when running normal ''instrument'' level pedals through the FX Loop block?

Will I need to adjust the gain to account for any line level/nominal discrepancies? I don't want to overload and blow anything on the board.

Will I need to adjust the record latency in the settings on the Axe FX?

Will the Output 1 knob function as my 'Master Volume' to my speakers?

Before it's brought up, I don't want to go out and get an external DI box to run into an interface. The goal is to find a 'God Mode' when it comes to recording direct with the Axe FX as I think the unit's capable of it

Forgive any RTFM points if applicable :oops:

Thanks in advance everyone!
Connect the pedals, adjust Out 2 and In 2 levels as needed.

Why would you “blow” anything?
Connect the pedals, adjust Out 2 and In 2 levels as needed.

Why would you “blow” anything?

I have a nagging thought that I might find a way to send way too much signal into a pedal and break it haha. No idea if that's how it works, but mixing the fractal with random pedals is pretty new to me in this application. It'd be great if that worry is all in my head and it's plug 'n play
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