X/Y switching... Am I missing something?

OK, I admit I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and maybe the answer is staring me straight in the face... But how does one do X/Y switching on the MFC?
Edit > MIDI > IA(number) > scroll until you reach the "X/Y" choices.
Fractal Audio Systems MFC-101 Manual 5.1 IA Switches

1. Press EDIT footswitch to enter EDIT MODE.
2. Press MIDI footswitch to select the MIDI menu.
3. Press PAGE -> footswitch 6x to get to the IA Axe-Fx Functions screen:
4. Press the INCR or DECR footswitch to select an IA Switch to edit by its number.
5. Press PARAMETER-> to move the cursor to the Axe-Fx Functions list.
6. Press and/or hold the INCR or DECR footswitch to select an Axe-Fx function from the list -> see 5.1.1 available functions (incl. x/y switching)
7. Press <- PARAMETER to return to the first cursor position if you want to repeat this process from
step 4 to set up additional switches, or press EXIT to return to PERFORMANCE MODE.
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