WISH: SPDIF output level switch/knob.

Joe Bfstplk

The SPDIF output from the FM9 needs to be padded 18dB or so to match level in the output meters between FM9 and FX3 with a pass-thru preset in the FX3.

This seems to limit the headroom of the FM9 when sending to another unit via SPDIF. I have a delay accent switch that causes a regeneration effect in my delays (for accenting a particular part of a song/solo, or a special effect), and it can get louder than the nominal 0dB signal level. With the SPDIF signal so close to the rails on the FM9, this causes clipping, even though the same preset, when imported to the FX3, can get far louder than nominal 0dB level without clipping.
Are you saying the output block meters in the two devices show the same output level?
When sending SPDIF from FM9 to FX3 (using Input 2 as SPDIF receiver in FX3), to get the levels shown in the Output meters in both devices to be the same on a pass-thru preset (Input -> Output) on the FX3, the SPDIF Input Level on the FX3 needs to be set to -18dB. I would like to be able to reduce the level before it hits the SPDIF output, so that I get the headroom that is missing with such a hot SPDIF signal from the FM9....

A switch to drop 18dB (or 20dB) or a knob to control the SPDIF out level (before SPDIF gets its mitts on it) would be rather helpful.
I see, but that has nothing to do with spdif, right? You’re just asking for an option to disable the normal 18 db gain of the out 1 and 2 blocks. In the meantime, you can of course do this by bypassing/unbypassing a -18db vol block in front of the fm9 output block.
I see, but that has nothing to do with spdif, right? You’re just asking for an option to disable the normal 18 db gain of the out 1 and 2 blocks. In the meantime, you can of course do this by bypassing/unbypassing a -18db vol block in front of the fm9 output block.
I suppose that would be a workaround.

Kinda sticks you in a corner if your preset is close to CPU capacity. It just seems odd that the FM9 SPDIF output is so hot that it lacks the headroom to handle things getting boosted much above nominal 0dB on the output meter. The same preset, imported into my FX3, does not have clipping issues with going a good way past 0dB....
The digital output (usb or spdif or aes) is neither hot nor cold :). It is simply the signal at the end of the block chain. No gain is ever applied to it, nor would you ever want gain applied to it. What you’re observing is simply the normal behavior of the out 1/2 (but not 3/4) blocks. That behavior has nothing to do with spdif. But this normal out block behavior can be confusing if you’re unaware of that 18 db gain. I don’t believe it’s documented anywhere, but don‘t quote me on that.
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